Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

"Elon Musk Blasts California, Says He and Tesla Are Headed to Texas"

Texas thanks stupid, lowly clerks.

Anonymous said...

"Dr. Fauci Entering ‘Modified Quarantine’ After Contact With Someone Who Has Coronavirus"

Meaning he is too important of a person to ever quarantine. But he'll have to do some wordsmithing to have some sort of fig lead to show he is still religious.

So like climate alarmists, the locdownists will be selling indulgences.

Anonymous said...

"leaf" not "lead"

Anonymous said...

Skirmishing is over.

The Main Battle is joined.

“BTW, history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.” - Brennan

"Fox News host Shannon Bream said on Friday that there is MUCH MORE coming next week including a “bombshell” from the intelligence community."

"Buckle up, Brennan!"

Has anyone seen a squirrel tear?

If you haven't we all will next week.

I think squirrel tear look like lickspittle.

Anonymous said...

"f you are the FBI and you are running a counter intelligence investigation into Trump’s ties with the Russians you would want Felix Sater, who helped the FBI on several cases involving Russian spies and Russian organized crime. He was a business partner of Donald Trump’s since at least 2001. And what does Sater reveal about The Donald’s ties to the Russian mob and Russian spies? He exonerates Trump."

Anonymous said...

"PICTURED: Gunman, 29, found dead after killing man, 86, and his wife, 85, at Delaware veterans cemetery"

This is what Democrats do. They spread hate and then other Democrats murder people.

It is all they do.

Anonymous said...

DEMOCRAT Governor Newsom put someone back pout on the street and he murdered someone that Democrats claim the care about

Democrat Senator Biden claims to care about women and look what he did to Tara Reid.

Anonymous said...

California Democrat says 'FUCK Elon Musk' after Tesla founder tweets company HQ 'will move to Texas or Nevada immediately' after California county health official says factory CAN'T reopen - despite Gov Gavin Newsom giving it green light

I guess Libturds really do not want electric cars after all.