Monday, May 11, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Copy of New York government murder instructions:

They state officials hid behind the term medically stable

You can be medically stable for a short while and still be shedding live viruses.

So why did they do this again?

Purging your body of viruses and shedding viruses is not like flicking a light switch or turning a tap on or off.

But the state officials go to great lengths about what doctors and hospital admin are going to do. They build that up for one reason. To get their asses off the hook.

Medically stable means the individual is conscious and comfortable, has vital signs within normal limits as determined by a medical professional, and shows no obvious signs of illness or injury indicating a need for immediate medical attention.

So you can be medically stable, but that does not mean that corona virus infection has run its complete course. You just don't need immediate life sustaining intervention. You still could still be spreading virus.

Does "immediate" mean that there is no need to get a crash cart, to intubate a person, or put them on a drip? That is all?

It reminds me of being sick with a cold or flu. Woke up somewhat rest. Somewhat okay or often lousy. Get better until mid afternoon 3 PM. Get progressively worse throughout the evening until you or wore out and go to sleep somehow.

Here is the point. Between noon to 3 I am stable. So I am released.

Am I still infected? Yes.
Am I still shedding virus? Yes.

Quasi-statically, you are well but a few hours hence, who knows?

Seems like a low bar.

Maybe, if Cuomo had actually used the hospital ship, maybe 4,0000 elderly people would not have died.

Anonymous said...

351 of 631 NY state nursing homes cannot all the sudden be bad.

That tells me there is a problem with expectations or the government or an act of God and not nursing homes in general.

If it were 3% to 6% of homes, you could day it was nursing home management/staff. But at roughly 1/2 the homes, it tells me that nursing homes (NH) have not been mandated to do this before, it has been mandated but push has not given way to shove before, there is not enough resources. NH are forbidden or cannot charge enough to cover a what if or that level of care.

Let's face it. Government officials can pass a law saying that NH shall be Class IV Infection Control facilities. They then can arrest all NH operators, staff and management. It would so totally be lawful. It would not be reasonable, but it would be lawful.

What level of infection control is possible given the architecture of NH & the money spent?

- Class I Infection Control (facility)?
- Class II Infection Control?
- Class III Infection Control?
- Class IV Infection Control?

What level of infection control was needed to keep a COVID poz NH resident from spreading it?

- Class I Infection Control?
- Class II Infection Control?
- Class III Infection Control?
- Class IV Infection Control?

Anonymous said...

Ahmaud Aubery Memorial Marathon

From Wanda Aubery's house to Satilla Shores" neighborhood is 12 or 13 miles one way.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Different zip codes

I wonder what the difference is? 11 to 13 miles 1 way

2341 Townsend ST, Brunswick, GA 31520
1108 Kevin WAY #WA, Brunswick, GA 31525


Satilla Shores, Georgia 31523

"Satilla Shores, a community near Brunswick, Georgia"

So was he jogging?

Yes, he was. He got into a car drove to a white community and started jogging. It is not like he was going to jog in his neighborhood and have to run form the brothers.

The journalists are lazy, lying or stupid or all of them together.

The press is lying by omission.

Anonymous said...

Satilla Shores neighborhood is not part of Brunswick. Brunswick is down the road and over a very large bridge.

True Satilla Shores neighborhood is part of the Brunswick Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), but it is not part of the city of Brunswick, GA.

MSA's can be quite large.

There are 3 bridges from Brunswick to Satilla Shores neighborhood

Interstate 95 (I95) bridges, The Old Jacksonville Highway, and the Sidney Lanier Bridge.

A clue to liberals, retards and the genetically defective. It is illegal to be a pedestrian on an interstate. Why bring this up? This bridge was not on his jogging route. we can cross it off the list.

Now look at the the old Jacksonville Highway bridge. It is 2 lane with maybe a 2 foot shoulder. If you jog across that bridge you are very brave or very stupid.

Now look Sidney Lanier Bridge. It is 4 lane with a a very wide shoulder to pull off if your car has troubles. Still it does not seem to have legal pedestrian access.

So how did Aubrey get to Satilla. He broke the law or he drove. It is not illegal to drive to a nicer tree lined neighborhood and jog. Some people might not like it, but most will pay no mind . However when you enter garages (open or closed), go behind houses, or enter construction sites, people are suspicious and rightly so.

IMO Aubrey was scoping places out to come back later in the night. I believe he was a part time thief. That is my opinion. The facts seem consistent with such an opinion.

Democrat politicians and activists are milking this for all that it is worth and then they cry that race relations are bad. They are making it bad.

I have bi-racial kids and Democrats are fucking American up, making it hard for people to live in harmony.

Anonymous said...

If Aubrey had drove a little further, he could have drive to Jekyll island and gotten some clean ocean air.

Satilla is a glorified cul-de-sac of 6 roads. You can spot it from the Jekyll Island Causeway.

Pro-tip: Running on something Jekyll Island Causeway and worrying about cars would be no fun.

Pro-tip: If you are exercising to get in shape and are a student at a community college, you run in its rec center, to meet girls as a bonus.

Any proof that Aubrey ran 5Ks, 10Ks, 1/2 marathons or mini-marathons.

Anonymous said...

Casing the place

Running looks different than walking. For instance look at the forearms.