Friday, May 22, 2020

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

"UK PM Johnson orders for plans to end reliance on Chinese imports"



Anonymous said...

So if China says it's increasing its military by 6.6% you can take it to the bank that they will increase by around 20% and prepare for war. I hope every and all nations around the World who wish to remain free, get ready.

Anonymous said...

And you meant PROTECT, DEFEND
Salute to Boris Johnson, a proper leader. Any and all "leaders" of Europe who oppose the will of their population and side with China should be assumed to be traitors and treated accordingly in a public court

Anonymous said...

The graphs on the military spending are wrong. I don't believe the purchasing power parity calculations. Much of what makes military equipment expensive is software.

I've purchased software overseas, because it was much cheaper only to find out it did not work in the US, because of digital rights management.

You make more in the US and a the multi-nationals make sure you know it. They make sure you pay though the nose.

Sure I want other countries to catch up to the US in life expectancy and overall quality of life. Probably in part for the same reason I want to wake up in the morning. But I also don't want to be like a penalized dancer in a Kurt Vonnegut story.

Anonymous said...

Nursing Home Abuser Arrested After Posting Viral Video of Horrific Crime

Typical of ultra-liberal black Democrats. Identity politics is about stoking grievances for the Democrats to garner more votes. The corollary is that identity politics incites hate crimes.

That is Democrats, who practice identity politics, of necessity create hate and hate crimes.