Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tweets For Today


fazman said...

What a understatement!!!, rent a crowd has brought rent a theif along for the ride.

Anonymous said...

I have been told that black people act differently in Europe and Africa. That is quite an indictment ... of a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

nice observation. now figure out why! not sure? Faulkner knew way back in time

here, 1968: James Baldwin How to Cool It

Anonymous said...

You do not understand Baldwin.

Anonymous said...

"nice observation. ..."

Yes, there goes liberal miseducated fool with the Slavery & Jim Crow thing.

I posted yesterday on "China Now Threatening To Attack Taiwan" at 10:34 PM. I talked about the concept of exponential smoothing. I do not expect the functionally illiterate in English (or any language) to understand (I was not lying about the functionally illiterate notion/judgment). That concept can be applied to history. But things will overpower it like historiography and grievance mongering. I will not take kindly to those engaged in identity politics or vote for parties that engage in identity politics.

There are or were I have not checked in the last year or two (I should not have to check.) 100,000 inter-racial marriage a year. That tells me that things are nowhere near as bad as the race mongers make it out to be. Yet, they persists, because it fattens their wallet.

Not sure?

Is a liberal gong to tell em that Britain does not have a history as long or longer than ours with racism in the past? Go there dude. You will lose the debate.

You will end up muttering like Joe Biden and say some thing like "We choose truth over facts."

What about Belgium. They are far, far worse the the US.

France has a bad history. Ditto Italy.

So maybe you do not know what you think you know.

Anonymous said...

All nations out of White Europe have a bad record with non whites. Britain sold slaves to our shores etc but the legacy of our slavery and the results of the aftermath of the Civil War are, as noted by many, have been with us ever since...I know a bit more than you think you know about me. and I know that our violence with guns is close to that of South Africa.Study colonialism and its aftermath and you will discover why Ireland/England; S. Africa; India/Pakistan; Israel/Palestinians have the problems they still have...

Anonymous said...

I know about you clecky. What is White Europe vs Non White Europe? I love watching you think you know something.

Anonymous said...

"I have been told that black people act differently in Europe and Africa. That is quite an indictment ... of a lot of people."

May 30, 2020 at 7:54 AM

"nice observation. now figure out why"
May 30, 2020 at 10:21 AM

All nations out of White Europe have a bad record with non whites
May 30, 2020 at 1:17 PM

You cannot be consistent for even 3 hours. Sad.

Anonymous said...


James responded to my post on exponential smoothing.

He came back with an estimate of 2 years, which really caught my eye.

My knee jerk reaction was that I disagree with it. Now, I forgot my math with the Holt-Winter model, but I do remember enough to know that alpha is somewhat subjective and James'm wisdom in this regard may be better than mine. So after my initial shock all I will do is ponder his assessment and try as best I might to collect objective evidence.

Some points to consider
- Officer rotate billets every 2 to 3 years.
- How many people leave at the end of 4, 10, 15 or 20 years?
- Like skills do all the lessons stick or do they degrade?
- If they remember but move to a billet where those particular skills or knowledge is not needed do people listen to them if they proffer advice or their advice is solicited? I am sure it is, but it is not a 100% thing.

However, Clerk never once touched the dampening (alpha factor) concept. Beyond his ken.

James said...

I ran into wisdom several years ago and it scared me. I've tried my best to avoid it ever since.
All my statements are observational. But the military being populated with humans tends in some ways to act like any large organization. Because of turnover and some other factors 2 yrs kind of popped out.

Anonymous said...

I gave it though and will give it more thought in the future.

I do know officer rotate every 2 to 3 years

There is DOPMA/ROPMA. Some of those leaving might be a good thing, but others might be taking knowledge out the door. Not all those leaving do so because they are below average. Many are above average and have good employment opportunities. Knowledge walks out with them.