Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

"Thousands of Australians are expected to take their own lives because of the financial and psychological stress of the #coronavirus crisis"

Thank you you fucking ass liberals. You greedy,loafing mother fuckers.

You take credit for killing older people that have a tendency to vote conservative rather than liberal and then blame the virus. All while pretending to be a champion for older people.

You have a simplistic one size fits all approach instead of quarrantining the most vulnerable more inexpensively.

You can brainwash masses of people for a long time, but when they come out of it, they hate your guts.

And you think that does not apply to you.

Cuz when that stats come out and the were 0 flu deaths or a an impossibly low number but overall deaths are the same or ticked up slightly while corona deaths shot through the roofs, people will turn on the pied pipers.

People will stone the liberals that denied them cancer screenings.

Cancer Treatments on Hold: The Invisible Health Costs of the Shutdown


Anonymous said...

“data from community cancer practices shows sharp drops in oncology visits,” including a steep “17% decline for chemotherapy in Northeast.”

Liberals murdering other liberals they are herding.

Don't you hate ranchers?

Anonymous said...

"New cancer patient visits are down by more than a third."

Democrats killing people for fun and profit.

They profit by scaring people in to voting for them and then enriching themselves in public office like the Bidens or the Pelosi's or the Feinstains.

They have fun calling people every name in the book since the 1960's.

"Racists, sexist, bigot, homophobe..." It is a song and dance routine for them.

They do not have to prove it, they merely have to say it.

Anonymous said...

"We’ve seen a drop-off in chemotherapy visits."

I can imagine all the Democrats lining at the ESTATE SALES.

The nobility line up at auction for bidding on high office on the death of the economy that they purposefully ruined.

Anonymous said...

don't get upset. The GOP health plan will kick in soon

Anonymous said...

Americans were living just fine before the government stepped in.

We do not need a Republican or a Democrat plan.

Amazing how people in fly over country living in small towns can live in to their 70s and 80s without all those government services. And doing in before "The Great Society" of LBJ.

Maybe government should get their fingers out of the pie, by allowing insurance companies compete across state lines among other things.

Son, maybe you should learn some basic biology.

Anonymous said...

live without govt services? you are kidding, right?

Anonymous said...

they do not get govt checks like the rest of the country for virus help and checks for employment? and no postal service and no social security and no money for hospitals and colleges and farm subsidies? wow. they sure are smart in flyover country or the heartland

Anonymous said...

Colleges & hospitals got started and flourished without the federal government.

We do not need a postal service not as currently constituted.

Social security is a tax. The benefits can be taken away by the government at any time. It also presents a moral hazard. When an E2 can kick up a 17 year old, who is getting SSI (when the kid arrives the SSI will double) and then move in with her and another girl of 18 or 19 years of age, you know it is a moral hazard.

Everything the government provides to you they have to take from you. As a middleman the government gets a cut that you have very little say.

If you draw an analogy between the brain and a body and the government and a country. They government cannot grow beyond certain limits. Right now it looks like it is begging to get too big. It is the iron law of oligarchy. The government is growing big for the benefit of the pelosis (& her brats) and others at the expense of the citizens (serfs).

Say do you know what a normal school is?

Anonymous said...

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