Saturday, May 9, 2020

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...
California Republicans may be on the verge of something they haven’t done in more than two decades: capturing a congressional seat from Democrats in the nation’s most populous state.

Tuesday’s special election runoff in the Los Angeles suburbs, which is taking place because of former Rep. Katie Hill's resignation last year, has Democrats bracing for defeat in a district they flipped by 9 points in the 2018 midterms. Armed with a highly touted recruit and an older, less diverse electorate than in general elections, Republicans feel they are on the verge of an upset.

Private polls show the race in the state’s 25th District is within just a few points, and Democrats are already downplaying expectations for their nominee, state Assemblywoman Christy Smith, citing depressed turnout in the midst of a pandemic and the negative impact of the scandal surrounding Hill, who resigned amid allegations that she had inappropriate sexual relationships with [female] staffers.

Anonymous said...

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! — Testimony Reveals Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud Is Member of the Clinton Foundation

So you have this senile swamp player, Mueller and his posse of HRC loyalists, indicting everyone and using court proceeding to bankrupt them.

Democrats are crying crocodile tears that they cannot subpeona Russians from Petersburg to get them to testify and jail them.

Meanwhile Mueller and company are using Mifsud as witness and people have hard time finding him, if they can find him at all.

Ann now we find that Mifsud is on the Clinton payroll. Mueller's gang are Clinton loyalist lawyers.

Anonymous said...

But Ilhan’s tweet was removed after the Director of the organization that runs the Minnesota Food Store tweeted out a reply —

Adrienne: “I am the Executive Director of GMCC – Minnesota FoodShare is our program. Ilhan Omar had nothing to do with this project. I do not know where the money is going.”

Anonymous said...

"Obama says the 'rule of law is at risk' in the Mike Flynn DOJ case in extraordinary leaked call after it emerged he was aware of the general's wiretapped phone calls in 2016 before Trump took office"

Obama is a passive aggressive fuck.

Obama could not come out and say it. Why not? If it is true, he has right on his side.

Maybe he gets more press for his cause and righteousness?

His minions belied Flynn's and Trump's supposed guilt in sworn testimony.

If I had a nickel for every time I complained about Middle eastern or other 3rd world dictators saying one thing in private to an AMerican ambassador and saying another for public consumption, I'd be a rich mon.

Why would I or anyone else be less sick of Clapper, Brennan and other telling under oath that they had not proof of collusion and going out on to the Sunday shows and saying there was? That's a game? That is the way American politics are played?

If it is, then America is no better than The Iranian Theocracy, Putin's Russia or Xi's China.

Pakistan had problems with their Frankenstein creation, the Taliban. So privately they were okay with drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan, since the Taliban have not been behaving in Pakistan and have bombed Pakistani politicians. Publicly, they condemned them.

So we have dozens of Obama era officials and functionaries doing the same thing. Tell the truth to the committee and lie in prime time to the American public IOT achieve a political victory.

This just puts a few more nails in the coffin.

After Hayden and Clapper, when I see an Air Force general promoted to DIA or NSC, I think "OH No, the general is going to say "Hi, I'm from the Air Force and I am here to help!"

I though Hayden was okay 100 years ago, but then I read a propaganda puff piece from the MSM. Stupid me.

Anonymous said...

10 years ago not 100 years ago