Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ukraine President Zelensky Orders Probe Over Leaked Audio Of Biden Linking US Aid To Ukraine Prosecutor's Firing

FILE PHOTO. © Reuters / Jonathan Ernst

The Guardian: Ukraine to investigate leaked calls between Joe Biden and ex-president

Recordings containing edited conversations between the two while in office published by Ukrainian associate of Rudy Giuliani

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has said that leaked recordings of phone calls allegedly between Joe Biden and former president Petro Poroshenko would be investigated by the country’s law enforcement agencies, adding that their contents might be “perceived, qualified as treason”.

The remarks prompted an angry rebuttal from Poroshenko, who said that the Zelenskiy administration may have played a role in their release and should be investigated.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko is saying that this is a Russian ops operation .... Biden Leaked Ukraine Calls Were Released As Part of a Russian 'Special Operation,' Ex-President Claims (Newsweek). More here .... Ukraine's ex-leader Poroshenko blames President Zelensky's office for helping 'fabricate' audio of his call with Biden (RT). Supporters of former Vice-President Biden are saying that the tapes are edited/fake, and that this smear has fallen flat .... A New Giuliani-Like Effort to Smear Biden Over Ukraine Falls Flat (Mother Jones). I know in the case of Ukraine, former President Poroshenko knows this is going to open a Pandoras Box on his tenure, and he does not want it open. The same can be said about former Vice-President Biden. Those tapes are damning, and we know those tapes are true because a Ukraine prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son was fired, and the IMF did give money to Ukraine. Money that Ukraine officials are still trying to find out on where it went today.

More News On Ukraine President Zelensky Ordering Probe Over Leaked Audio Of Biden Linking US Aid To Ukraine Prosecutor's Firing

Ukraine to investigate leaked tapes with ex-president, Biden -- AP
Zelensky calls for probe into leaked Biden-Poroshenko calls -- NYPost
Ukraine opens probe into leaked 'Biden-Poroshenko' tapes -- Euronews
Zelensky seeks probe over leaked audio of Biden linking US aid to Ukraine prosecutor's ouster -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Mother Jones would be spinning in her grave to see her name being used to advance the lunacy of the corporate state.

Anonymous said...

Where the money went? Gosh I can't imagine where. This is a real mystery!

Anonymous said...

No one here seems to be concerned about the real story. The editing and the releasing of these tapes. You can try to spin it to your own political ideology you want. But the tapes are edited and the target is. Why is the question. And you know the answer.

Anonymous said...

Old stuff. Biden doing what he is taksed to do threatens no aid unless they clean up corruption...this is not the same as withholding aid unless something given to the president. If you think this is serious, then you live in a world where quinine drink cures arthritic knees and upset tummy and VD

Anonymous said...

"You can try to spin it to your own political ideology you want"
C for effort 4:26 and 4:32, Obviously two different people hahaha, you are losing lololol

Anonymous said...

" then you live in a world where quinine drink cures arthritic knees"

Chloroquine is also occasionally used for amebiasis that is occurring outside the intestines, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus.

If a person has arthritic knees what might they do if it is untreated? They might not walk or move around as much and therefore gain weight. While chloroquinine might cure the arthritis , it might keep it in check. That would be a good thing. I had a grandfather with bad knees. Surprise, surprise he had a tire. The arthritis was not work condition. pouring concrete floors.

I am so happy that 4:32 is such a flip, partisan, and know-nothing jerk.

Anonymous said...

"Old stuff. Biden doing what he is taksed to do threatens no aid unless they clean up corruption"

What a fucking liar. If Ukraine is an ally or to be an ally it is better for us, if they are a strong and not weak.

Lots of corruption makes it weak. It really pained me to learn that there was massive corruption among US citizens using Ukraine to money launder US aid into their pockets.

These would be the same mother fuckers that think that high tax rates are no big deal, since they are the corruption gravy train.

Anonymous said...

"The arthritis was not work condition."


"The arthritis was not genetic. It was work related from pouring concrete floors."

Anonymous said...

Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag.[5][6]

It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[7]

It is available as a generic medication.[1]

The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$0.04.[8] In the United States, it costs about US$5.30 per dose.

Anonymous said...

RUSH: Here is Dolores in San Antonio. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hello. Rush, I have been taking hydroxychloroquine 200 milligrams a day for over four years.

RUSH: Why?

CALLER: Well, I have — and it’s not even for rheumatoid arthritis. It’s for an immune disorder, and —

RUSH: Lupus?

CALLER: No. I had polymyositis.


RUSH: How much diarrhea?

CALLER: None. (laughing)


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Anonymous said...

this post is old story and refuted some time ago but chuds continue to live in low IQ fantasy land

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says
An analysis of 96,000 patients shows those treated with hydroxychloroquine were also more likely to suffer irregular heart rhythms

Anonymous said...

The White House claimed Donald Trump was 'unable to cast his vote' in Florida because he was stuck in Washington — but evidence shows otherwise.

Both Donald Trump and White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany have given explanations for why Trump, who has loudly denounced voting by mail, voted absentee in the 2020 Florida primary. Both claim it was because he was unable to vote in person.

However, evidence shows that McEnany and Trump were not telling the truth.

At a White House briefing on Wednesday, McEnany said Trump "is, after all, the president which means he's here in Washington. He's unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence."