Friday, May 8, 2020

United Nations: Coronavirus Expected To Peak In World's Poorest Countries In Months

CBS: Coronavirus expected to peak in world's poorest countries in months, UN says

A new report published Thursday by the United Nations' Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said the "peak of coronavirus in the world's poorest countries is not expected until some point over the next three to six months."

The report is an update to the U.N.'s plan to deal with the pandemic, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and other humanitarian agencies.

The director-general of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on Thursday, spoke to the issues confronting international organizations in their response to the pandemic, namely that in some poor countries where testing is not widespread, there may be more cases than the numbers show.

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WNU Editor: The UN is now shifting its attention to this .... The world faces 'mega-famines' that could 'impact us on biblical proportions' due to coronavirus, UN warn (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. More shit from the UN.

Younger populations really are not affected. Unless there are a lot of obese Africans or elderly Africans in nursing homes, I do not expect a big death toll.

I remember some Lefties visited Africa over a summer for fact finding, education or something. They said they lost weight not because they meant to, but because their just wasn't a lot of food to buy. So not a lot of fat Africans.

There are a number of doctors who have died, but they were marinated in the virus. They were also stressed. We have truckers get so many hours of rest. They have to document it. Doctors as interns keep hours that a trucker could never keep (due to law). After internship, what hours do doctors keep especially now?

How many doctors died due to stress from fatigue that weakened their immune system as opposed to their immune system being overwhelmed by being saturated by corona virus shed by patients?

Anonymous said...

I was going to say...aren't the poorest countries usually the youngest countries?