Friday, May 1, 2020

University Of Minnesota Report Predicts Pandemic To Last Between 18 And 24 Months

CNBC: Coronavirus outbreak likely to go on for two years, scientists predict

The coronavirus pandemic is likely to last between 18 and 24 months, scientists from the University of Minnesota have predicted.

In a report published Thursday, researchers from the university’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) stressed that Covid-19 was more contagious than the flu and was likely to continue circulating after a first wave this spring.

The new coronavirus has a longer incubation period than the flu, meaning it takes longer for symptoms to appear after a person has been infected, they said, noting that the coronavirus may be at its most contagious before symptoms appear. It was also pointed out that Covid-19 has displayed a higher rate of asymptomatic transmission, as well as a higher R0 rating than influenza.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota report is here .... COVID -19:The CIDRAP Viewpoint.

More News On The University Of Minnesota Report Predicting That The Pandemic Will Last Between 18 And 24 Months

America will battle coronavirus for two years and could face an even bigger peak this fall, pandemic experts warn -- Daily Mail
Coronavirus pandemic likely to last two years, report says -- Gulf News/Bloomberg
Infectious disease research warns coronavirus pandemic could last two years -- The Hill
Expert report predicts up to two more years of pandemic misery -- CNN
COVID-19 May Periodically Resurge for Two Years, Report by Infectious Disease Experts Says -- Newsweek


Anonymous said...

Liberal should stay quarantined in the house for 18 to 24 months.

Conservatives should bring them food form whatever Chinese or Mexican restaurant the liberals want.

Corona should have the normal influenza precautions. Take care of the elderly, sick, and babies.

Good News. The Communist Mayor of NYC finally had the super spreader (Subway) cleaned of feces, urine, and garbage.

... Now, if Governor Mario the Pious would quit sending corona patients into nursing homes, we might get the epidemic under control.

If rent is too high, I am willing to pay for nursing home accommodations in NYC for any elderly liberal people.

Anonymous said...

Stranger fatally stabbed seven-year-old girl in the neck in front of her horrified father as she rode her scooter past park bench on Mother's Day, inquest hears

British Man Yusef Ali, Who Pushed Girl Off Balcony and Stabbed 2 Men, Sentenced to 14 Years

7-Year-Old Girl Stabbed to Death by Somali Migrant in UK Park on Mother’s Day

Liberals show us how it is done. There might be an epidemic going on, but they find time to murder people.

Liberals murder people. It is what they do. It is all they do, There is not pity,...

Anonymous said...

crashing the system.
devide and concoure.
we are allowing our Country
to be KILLED..
every thing democrats allways wanted.handed to them...

Anonymous said...

Is it okay for a 7 year old girl to be stabbed by a migrant, if a liberal group brought the migrant into the country?

How many times can a liberal group do this and it still be okay?

1,000 times?

1 million times?

As much as it takes?

Anonymous said...

“Let us not forget that evil is allowed and encouraged to walk and murder amongst us.”

“MSM reported her murder but not the perpetrator. Somali migrant.”

Anonymous said...

Florida stops releasing medical examiners’ coronavirus death counts after they report higher total

Pence staff threatens action against reporter who tweeted about visit to clinic without surgical mask

Anonymous said...

NYC subway halting overnight service for virus cleaning

- ABC News 16 hours ago

Communist Mayor de Blasio finally got a clue?

Maybe the shit stain mayor is bending to reality instead of the mayor trying vainly to get reality to bend to him.

Maybe NYC is dirtier than a Wuhan wet market?

Maybe China should ban any flights originating from NYC going to China?

Anonymous said...

As Trump Claims US Has Best Covid-19 Testing in the World, Capitol Physician Says He Lacks Capacity to Test All 100 Senators

Anonymous said...

VA orders $300,000 worth of body bags

Anonymous said...

On NYC subway

captainern Kl • 19 hours ago
they're also known as the nyc public urinals

Maybe that is why some liberals like them. Smells like home.

Anonymous said...

Trump Called Out To His Face After Blaming Obama For 'Broken' Coronavirus Tests |

Anonymous said...

RNC Hawks Trump-Themed Merchandise For Mother's Day And Folks Aren't Happy

Anonymous said...

Andrew Cuomo may be the single most popular politician in America right now

Anonymous said...

"VA orders $300,000 worth of body bags"

Look what an idiot posted.

"Dogbert: I've become a doomsday prophet so I can scare gullible people. Im telling everyone the world will end in year 2000. My compelling logic is that 2000 is a big round number. Its BIIIG and ROOUND

Dilbert: Stop it!!!"

Does that mean 300,000 people will die? The idiot who posted it does not know. The complete and utter idiot that posted just wants the headline to scare people like it is stampeding a herd before it checks off the next thing on its TPM.

The price I saw for body bags was $3.14. So that is less than 100,000 body bags (95.542). Now consider that the government is buying them and double or triple the price.

Now the idiot did not see that FEMA paid $51 per body bag. That works out to approximately 5,883 bags.

Somehow Politico could not work that out after seeing the contract. That tells me that Politico is lying. The price per bag was certainly in the contract.

But it is Poltico and once again Politico wrote another hit piece and shatted all over itself.

You have to wonder about an 'idjit' that reads a steady diet of Politico articles. IQ of less than 80? Makes me wonder, if the secretary really ran things.

A few other things. Access to VA care is means tested unless the condition is service connected. It means that the patients are form lower economic circumstances and so have no other place to turn except Medicaid or Charity. Pint is they are probably in bad shape already.

Politico with permanent staff does not tell us how many people typically die in VA care outside of an epidemic. That how many excess deaths are there this spring compared to previous springs?

Politico and its idiot readers are too partisan and stupid to consider this. Surprising?

Anonymous said...

Google's coronavirus website Verily has barely made a dent in national testing

Anonymous said...

Conservatives have developed a fascination with Sweden’s hands-off approach to the coronavirus — an unexpected twist for a country that once served as a Republican punchline for Bernie Sanders jokes.

On the surface, Sweden’s approach to containing the coronavirus pandemic is a libertarian dream: Restaurants remain open, as long as they adhere to social-distancing rules. Schools are in session. Salons are in business. And by some metrics, Sweden has fared roughly as well as many of its European neighbors, all of which have instituted much stricter lockdown measures.

The combination has made Sweden an object of curiosity — and a possible model — for conservatives and libertarians pushing states to relax the strident social-distancing guidelines that have shuttered much of the American economy. Some on the right have called Sweden an example of what happens when Big Government leaves citizens alone. President Donald Trump himself grappled with Sweden’s approach while talking to reporters on Wednesday, musing that the Swedish leader doesn’t have to tell people, ”stay in your house. The people stay there automatically.”

But Swedes are quick to point out that their model relies on elements that are antithetical to American conservative philosophy — namely a high degree of trust in government — in addition to natural factors such as a less dense population.

“It is interesting to see that the Swedish stress on what we call ‘freedom under responsibility‘ is getting picked up by the libertarian right in the U.S.,” said Lars Trägårdh, a history professor at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College in Sweden. “The big problem with all of that is that Sweden is all built, ultimately, on a very strong alliance between the state and the individual.”

Over the past several weeks, libertarian-leaning conservatives monitoring Sweden have drifted from abject horror over their decision to not lock down — Breitbart, for instance, ran an article warning about a “coronavirus ‘tragedy’” in Sweden on April 11 — to a cautious consideration of the country’s model, debating whether the approach helped avoid economic devastation without increasing the number of deaths.

Anonymous said...

Start with the PDBs. Based on Trump’s track record, it’s a good bet that he never read the briefs at all, as he is known not to bother consuming most of the written materials provided to him. Major points in the PDB are delivered orally too, and the Post reports that the coronavirus was in the oral summary at times. But Trump is also notorious for not paying attention to briefings that are delivered to him, or for seizing only on some small parts of them. (The president reportedly interrupted Azar’s January 18 briefing to complain about Azar’s handling of vaping products.)

Even when warnings are able to reach Trump, he seldom treats them as efforts to provide him with useful information. It is clear now that the pandemic is a grave political threat to Trump’s reelection, and that a swifter, more efficient response would have placed him in much better stead in November. At times, however, he has acted as though even discussing the crisis is evidence of disloyalty, as demonstrated in his furious response to Messonnier’s warnings.

Read: The president who doesn’t read

This is the real context for the president’s infamous “hoax” remark at a rally in February. Trump has complained that his adversaries are misconstruing him to have claimed that the virus itself was a hoax. In fact, his remark was a paranoiac insistence that any warnings about the outbreak could only be intended to harm him politically: “They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

Anonymous said...

The President does not read.

Consider this ignorant one.

The Romans were literate. The Druids 'were not.' Is an oral tradition mean that you are lesser?

Will there be an answer? Bets are that the "idjit" will just scream.

Anonymous said...

Why is it okay for a 21 year old to get a prostitute and then complain, when someone else gets one?

Anonymous said...

Oleksyk clarified that the so-called “American Patriot Rally” was nonviolent, save the one incident in which one demonstrator was arrested for assaulting another. But the implicit threat of bringing weapons of war and mass murder into any legislative center fits the definition of political terrorism. Both because of their guns and their disregard for their safety protocols of the pandemic, the Michigan militia men forced the public and legislators alike to choose between physical safety and political agency.

It seemed that the Republican-led Michigan Legislature agreed with them, however, rejecting the renewal of Whitmer’s coronavirus emergency declaration. The governor remained undeterred, signing executive orders authorizing three new executive orders extending a state of emergency for Michigan residents through May 28th, keeping theaters, bars, and other establishments closed. There was no reason for her to do otherwise. All that NRA bombast may have had a different impact before, but not after a virus has killed 64,000 Americans in a couple months.

Perverting the Second Amendment and using firearms in lieu of a good argument is an American tradition at this point, particularly for white men. I mean, anyone arguing this is an “age of Trump” development needs to pick up a history book. This is some antebellum stuff here, some things that date back to before America was America. Violence or the threat thereof has been a method of political intimidation since time immemorial, and whiteness helps many escape legal or fatal punishment that others do not.

Anonymous said...

We are dnot Druids...Intel, economic materials, proposals, etc etc come to the president in a written form and not by people chanting to him.
He does listen to TV a lot to see how he should react to issues

Anonymous said...

Missing the point is definitely one of your strengths!

Anonymous said...

You call this a serious political argument!?!?

Anonymous said...

We are dnot Druids...Intel, economic materials, proposals, etc etc come to the president in a written form and not by people chanting to him.
He does listen to TV a lot to see how he should react to issues

It comes ion whatever form the president want it.

He can be briefed and it can be verbal and visual (Powerpoint/ handouts) or he can read a report.

That is very good coming in a nation that tries to be so innovative about the different ways people learn. Some are visual, some people do well reading, etc.

It is real high minded of you to dictate to the president or really to anyone on how they learn.

Maybe you should tell all dyslexics that no you cannot seek high office, because you would rather be briefed instead of read a report.

You are really special. You should be committed.