Wednesday, May 13, 2020

U.S. Army Is Expanding Its Counter-Drone Capability With A New Warhead And Radar


FOX News/Warrior Maven: Army flying explosive gets new warhead and radar to destroy drones

The Army is working with industry partners to upgrade and expand its counter-drone fight by helping to bring new advanced technology to U.S. allied countries across the globe facing an increasingly complex threat. The effort includes industry moves to offer emerging counter-drone systems for international sales, the addition of advanced interceptors and emerging uses of AI -- all as part of a cutting-edge effort to destroy attacking drones.

Armored vehicle convoys maneuvering through mountainous terrain as part of a massive, coordinated combined arms ground attack, could easily be vulnerable to fast-appearing, close-in enemy drone attacks. Forward Operating Bases, often fighting without immediate air support, are also potentially susceptible to fast-approaching drone swarms. Dismounted, forward-moving infantry operating in small groups without armored vehicles or close-air support could be especially at risk of coordinated close-in, small drone attacks.

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WNU Editor: Drone swarms will be used in future conflicts and wars. Having the means to stop them will also be part of that future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems to me this system's radar makes it a target. Counter counter counter.