Tuesday, May 12, 2020

U.S. Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study

Three aircraft carriers exercise together in the Pacific. Near to far: USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz.

Breaking Defense: Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort

The study into what kind of carriers the Navy might need in a decade’s time was problematic from the start, and conflicted with the Pentagon senior leadership’s redo of the Navy’s force structure plan.

WASHINGTON: Acting Navy Secretary James McPherson has scuttled a major initiative of his ousted predecessor, canceling a planned 6-month study on the future of the aircraft carrier, relying instead on a DoD-led effort to determine the size and structure of the future fleet.

The acting SecNav, who has kept the ship steady since taking over from Thomas Modly last month, “recently determined the Department of the Navy will not, for the time being, move forward with the Future Carrier 2030 effort,” Cmdr. Sarah Higgins told me in an email. Instead, the Navy “will fully support the Department of Defense’s internal study on future force structure requirements, which will include a carrier review.”

The carrier review was the brainchild of Modly, who resigned in March amid the chaos of his firing of the captain of the COVID-19 stricken carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt.

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WNU Editor: In the end it will be the Pentagon and their political masters who will determine the future of the US aircraft carrier fleet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Off Topic

Judge Sullivan Makes Unusual Political Move – Delays End to General Flynn Case!

Just knew the judge was going to drag it out. Maybe he does not want to drag it out past the election (with a hoped for Democrat win). But he wants to drag it out and poison the atmosphere with amicus briefs to shape the narrative and to give him a fig leaf to do his dirty deed.

If he sentences Flynn anyway after he cherry picks amicus briefs he needs to be impeached. Sydney Powell is a fighter. She will take it to Scotus.

Trump should not pardon Flynn. That admits guilt but absolves the receiver of the pardon. If Flynn is pardoned then part of the impetus to investigate the mountain of Obama corruption is taken away.

The Clintons were getting money from Gulen. By exposing Gulens corruption, he would expose Clinton corruption. Flynn was also going to shake up intel and go after government corruption and bad practices.

The Clintons, Obamas and intel community wanted Flynn gone. That should clue people that he is the right man. He has the right enemies.

Note 1

Gulen abuses the H1B visas to bring people in. Those people give him kick backs. He in turn gives kickbacks to the Clintons

Note 2
Too many people like The Turtle or Miss Lindsey are too chickenshit mother fuckers to impeach Sullivan.