Thursday, May 21, 2020

Venezuelan Defense Minister Says Military To Escort Iranian Fuel Tankers

DW: Venezuela to escort fuel tankers fro Iran despite US threat

Venezuela’s defense minister said he was thankful for Iran’s solidarity as the coronavirus pandemic adds to its economic woes. Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, but its capacity to refine is limited.

Planes and ships from the Venezuelan armed forces will escort Iranian tankers as soon as the vessels, carrying barrels of fuel for the South American country, enter Venezuela's exclusive economic zone, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said on Wednesday.

"When they enter our exclusive economic zone, they will be escorted by Bolivarian National Armed Forces boats and planes to welcome them in and thank the Iranian people for their solidarity and cooperation," Padrino said, defying US complaints about the shipments.

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More News On Venezuelan Defense Minister Saying The Military Will Escort Iranian Fuel Tankers

Venezuela tells America its navy will escort Iranian oil tankers arriving with much-needed fuel after Tehran warned of 'consequences' if the US tried to intercept the ships -- Daily Mail
Venezuela to escort Iranian tankers bringing needed fuel -- AP
Venezuela's military to escort Iranian fuel tankers: defense minister -- Reuters
Venezuela says Iranian tankers will get military escort -- AFP
Venezuela's military to escort Iranian tankers bringing petrol -- BBC
Venezuelan Military to Escort Iranian Tankers Delivering Fuel, Defense Minister Says -- Sputnik
Venezuela military to ESCORT Iranian fuel tankers to Caracas against de facto naval blockade by US -- RT


Jac said...

This is more politics than anything else. The Venezuela escort is a joke compare to US Navy, but the time for stopping Iranian tankers is not good : November election is coming.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be fun to see a shipwreck and fuel leak between these two? And just for a little frosting on the cake, a breakdown of one or more ships followed by an offer of assistance by Trump.
This supply effort must be quite humiliating for the Venezuelan government. I wonder what it cost them?

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Antitroll said...

No it wouldn't be you idiot because it damages the water and many animals
Use your few braincells before letting politics cloud your mind