Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Venezuela's Covid-19 Number Of Cases Are Not Credible

The Guardian: Venezuela’s Covid-19 death toll claims ‘not credible’, human rights group says

* Country has confirmed 1,121 coronavirus cases and 10 deaths
* Pandemic is ‘perfect excuse for regime to crack down’ – expert

Venezuelan claims that fewer than a dozen people have died in the country from Covid-19 are nonsensical and likely dramatically underestimate the severity of the situation there, Human Rights Watch activists have claimed.

The South American country, which faced a historic economic depression even before the pandemic, reported its first Covid-19 cases on 13 March and has since confirmed 1,121 cases and 10 deaths.

Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela’s authoritarian ruler, has imposed a strict lockdown and urged citizens to exercise “maximum discipline” to defeat the coronavirus.

But on Tuesday the New York-based human rights group questioned Venezuela’s official figures as it released a new report on the health crisis facing the Caribbean nation.

Read more ....

Update #1: Venezuela's official virus data is 'absurd': HRW and Johns Hopkins (AFP)
Update #2: Venezuela health system 'grossly unprepared' for COVID-19 crisis (Al Jazeera)

WNU Editor: According to Venezuela they have 1,121 cases and 10 deaths.


Jac said...

I'm pretty sure that Venezuela will have more healed people than death and the one who was death will be resuscitated because the Maduro policy, yes!.

Anonymous said...

Maduro is lying, but he could lie form a position of near honesty.

The Venezuela health system has collapsed. So there is no physical testing for corona. So you have a person dead due t flu like symptoms and Maduro honestly does not know if the rhino, corona or influenza virus did any particular person in.

B.Poster said...

I agree the Venezuelan numbers are not credible. They are actually likely overstated.

The so called "expert" is correct the pandemic is the perfect excuse for the regime to crack down. I've pointed this out from the very beginning. I'm pleased to see at least this "expert" is catching on.

If you want them eliminated, mark them down as exposed, test them, have the test come back "positive," quarantine them, and then they disappear having died of the virus. The "contact tracers" could be of huge benefit here. I'm sure their are plans for them to be used this way in a number of places and if that plan is not in place for them right now their mission could be changed at a future time.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is on a rampage against mail-in voting and is already questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election. This week on Intercepted: The modern Republican Party has mastered the art of voter suppression and gerrymandering, but the president is now seeking to exploit the pandemic to aid these efforts. In between tweets accusing Joe Scarborough of being involved with the death of an intern decades ago and spending time on the golf course as the U.S. neared 100,000 coronavirus deaths, Trump has offered an overwhelmingly fictional narrative about Democratic voter fraud punctuated by warnings of the election being illegitimate before a single vote has been cast. Mother Jones senior reporter Ari Berman, author of “Give Us The Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America,” analyzes the strategy of Trump and the GOP and lays out what he considers the nightmare scenario for the November election. As Trump continues to downplay the human toll of Covid-19, he is doubling down on his push for states to quickly reopen. Many of the states that have reopened surround Indian country and the Chairman of the Hopi Tribe reservation says, “we have a wildfire burning around us.” Journalist Rebecca Nagle, host of the podcast This Land, discusses how the coronavirus is disproportionately impacting native communities, explains some major cases before the U.S. Supreme Court on indigenous land rights, and talks about Trump’s battles against native tribes.

Transcript coming soon.

Anonymous said...

You're losing

Anonymous said...

PhreD 12:37 O'clock high