Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Western U.S. States Want $1 Trillion In COVID-19 Pandemic Relief

Los Angeles Times: Newsom joins 4 governors in seeking $1 trillion in federal relief for all states

SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his counterparts in four Western states on Monday asked Congress for $1 trillion in COVID-19 pandemic relief for all states and local governments.

Newsom joined with the governors of Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Colorado, as well as legislative leaders from the five states, in asking the House and Senate for the aid. The governors said the funds would be critical for public health programs, law enforcement and schools.

“Without federal support, states and cities will be forced to make impossible decisions — like whether to fund critical public healthcare that will help us recover, or prevent layoffs of teachers, police officers, firefighters and other first responders,” the letter stated. “And, without additional assistance, the very programs that will help people get back to work — like job training and help for small business owners — will be forced up on the chopping block.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Western States Pact asks federal government for $1 trillion in relief -- CNN
Update #2: Facing ‘unprecedented’ economic challenges, California and 4 other states request $1 trillion in federal relief -- KTLA

WNU Editor: They are joining other states like New York state and Illinois demanding aid, albeit New York and Illinois are not demanding $1 trillion. These states were facing a fiscal disaster before the pandemic, the pandemic has only exposed their mismanagement. Will they get their trillion dollars? I doubt it. Borrowing money never solves a fiscal mess. Only budget cuts, taxes, and encouraging economic activity will.


B.Poster said...

"Encouraging economic activity..." Hint: don't shut down whole segments of your economy at the first sign of potential trouble. Consult with industry leaders. There were/are other options. The government didn't bother exploring them.

RussInSoCal said...

Unfunded liabilities (public retirement packages) run up to $60 billion is CA alone. When you have virtually every retired cop, fireman, librarian and teacher getting $100K per year in retirement, you start conniving for big federal bail out funds. Wuhan flu is just the vehicle. (Forever).

copley7 said...

When you have CA state troopers and Highway troopers getting $200,000+ a year retirements there is a problem. Plus the tax free disability scam they all seem to retire with.

Mike Feldhake said...

They can go to hell - I moved out of Illinois because all they do is raise taxes and do nothing but fund dumb programs.

Anonymous said...

Only budget cuts, taxes, and encouraging economic activity will.


X = Budget Cut
Y = Taxes
Z = Economic activity

Why do engineers solve multi-variable problems with constraints, but politicians have no constraints, when it comes to tax rates, borrowing, and government budget?

IMO many politicians need to be put in padded rooms.

Is seems as though to many graduates getting a degree in poly sci, JD or journalism are a license to lie, cheat, and steal.

RussInSoCal said...

Oops - I was very wrong. CA has upwards of one trillion $$ in "unfunded liabilities".
