Friday, May 22, 2020

Where Is North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un

Al Jazeera: Where's Kim? North Korea leader keeps unusually low profile

Kim's has appeared just four times in public since the start of April, considerably less than the same period last year.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has made an unusually small number of public appearances in the past two months, once again going three weeks without state media reporting his attendance at a public event, according to analysts.

Kim's low profile comes as North Korea imposes anti-coronavirus measures, although the country says it has no confirmed cases, and follows intense speculation last month about his health after he missed a key national anniversary.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Dennis Rodman is probably correct .... Dennis Rodman reveals Kim Jong Un clue that indicates ‘something is wrong’ (NYPost). More here .... 'Watch His Sister': Dennis Rodman Drops Cryptic Hints About Kim Jong-un's Status (Sputnik).

More News On North Korea's Leader Kim Jong Un

Seoul: Kim Jong-un disappears again -- Asia News
North Korea's Kim keeps low public profile in May: analysts -- Reuters
Seoul closely monitoring N. Korea as leader out of public view again -- Korea Herald


Anonymous said...


Hans Persson said...


Hans Persson said...

No seriously, first time "we" lost track of him (few weeks ago) I was thinking; maybe this is a psy-ops to make this Kim paranoid.. When he re-surfaced a bunch of people got executed, reportedly. And by the way, who cares? He is probably hiding in his 50's style bunker-mansion from this corona virus.

Jac said...

Well, we know who we have with Kim Jong Un, but with this kind of country, system, uncertainty is worse.