Wednesday, May 20, 2020

WHO Says New Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases Across The World Jump The Most Ever In A Single Day

Reuters: WHO reports most coronavirus cases in a day as cases approach five million

GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization expressed concern on Wednesday about the rising number of new coronavirus cases in poor countries, even as many rich nations have begun emerging from lockdown.

The global health body said 106,000 new cases of infections of the novel coronavirus had been recorded in the past 24 hours, the most in a single day since the outbreak began.

“We still have a long way to go in this pandemic,” WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference. “We are very concerned about rising cases in low and middle income countries.”

Dr. Mike Ryan, head of WHO’s emergencies programme, said: “We will soon reach the tragic milestone of 5 million cases.”

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More News On WHO Saying New Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases Across The World Jump The Most Ever In A Single Day

‘Still long way to go’: WHO records BIGGEST single-day increase in new Covid-19 cases -- DW
New coronavirus cases across the world jump by the most ever in a single day, WHO says -- CNBC
Despite widespread talk of reopening, the WHO just reported a record number of new coronavirus cases in a single day -- Business Insider
WHO reports most coronavirus cases in one day as total number nears 5 million -- NBC
Global report: coronavirus pandemic 'not over' warns the WHO -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Considering the recent past it's difficult to believe these people.

Anonymous said...

More testing = more cases.
But how many are in hospitals and/or under medical care? Maybe they're showing no symptoms

Anonymous said...

Another day, more scaremongering by WNU.

END THE LOCKDOWN: Pennsylvania Has More COVID-19 Deaths Over Age 100 than Under Age 45

END THE LOCKDOWN: UK has More COVID-19 Deaths Over Age 90 than Under Age 64

When you do a population pyramid of corona deaths what result do you get?

Now WNU is a very smart guy. Speaks at least 3 languages. Conducts international business. So I ask you why?

Anonymous said...

Still, considering the number of people on the planet, the impact of this virus has been low single digit and primarily people less fit to fend off an infection.

Anonymous said...

I think we all want the lockdown to end. It sucks and destroys our economies. And you're right. .most people who die of it are rather old. I don't think wnu wants the lockdown to continue. He lives in Canada and he has reported on the economic situation there. I think his postings were good and not scare mongering. If you want to be scared watch cnn or msnbc or go to a Democrat ruled state with full lockdown and tyrannical rule :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:52

Here are the table and stats that matter.

The data would be more visually devastating, if shown in a stem and leaf diagram.

Anonymous said...

"primarily people less fit to fend off an infection."

2nd Law of thermodynamics says you cannot keep a people alive forever.

So why all the fake outrage by greedy, grubbing Democrat politicians, when someone 70, 80 or 90 dies?

Especially in a nursing home when a Democrat governors purposefully place infected COVID patients in there?

WNU posts from Zerohedge. I sue to read it every day until 3 or 4 months ago.

What does this line from Fight Club mean: 'On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. '? - Quora. It means that eventually everyone will die.

So what was expected?

copley7 said...

Amen at 4:52. I live in NH and we are opening up at a good pace. Across the border, the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts is a frigging disaster.

It's a Dem sh++hole with Governor "Tall Deval" Baker, a never Trumper RINO who bends over with his pants down to the Dimmocrats.

Most of his deaths are grandma and Grandpa, like NY, CT, RI, NJ, and any other blue state.

Anonymous said...

Everyone...thank you for your comments. ..I think we are at war and the goal is to get rid of Trump.. voice your opinions at the polling both. Talk to Democrats. Show them what's going on. Use data. Show them how cnn and the other networks constantly lie while pushing own agendas and fake pinoccios. They have been programmed to believe this shit just like they have been programed in 2016. Our economies are being destroyed so we cave in. We are being enslaved by a system we rejected in 2016 and that now comes back with an even more sinister plan. Willing to kill many of us and it involves China, perhaps Russia and they count on our gullible and hateful leaders who seem opposed to the democratic will. ..ironically many of the democracy opposers are in the Democrat party. To succeed we must organise and fight back -peacefully. Let the fake Democrats be the assholes. Let history be clear that republicans were peaceful,respectful,rational and well informed. We have almost the entire media against us. Only a few outlets are still on our side ..almost all tech giants seem to work against us. I don't know why but something very undemocratic is occurring. Censorship and fake polls are pushed on us again and again. Do not give in. Organise. Get friends involved. But stay peaceful. Stay classy. They just hope one of us pushes back. We won't. No fighting. Use podcasts. Buy ads. Call your congressmen. Support Trump. Organise your neighbourhood. Reach out to other groups. Show them our heart and reasoning. That we care about freedom. They will join us eventually. But we must hurry and start today. Good luck to us all.

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