Friday, May 1, 2020

Why Was The U.S. So Late To Recognize The Threat From China

Bradley A. Thayer & Lianchao Han, RCD: Why Was the U.S. So Late to Recognize the China Threat

The recent who-is-weak-on-China verbal war between Biden and Trump captures a fundamental issue in the 2020 race: how to confront China. The next administration’s China policy will be most critical for America’s future as well as the world’s because assumptions about China and the U.S. position in the world are in flux.

Every state makes its foreign policy based on assumptions about its society and international politics. These assumptions are usually anchored in the past. While there is great value in learning from history, it is also true that conditions change, and what was true of the past is no longer.

During the Cold War, the U.S. foreign policy was largely based on assumptions that the Soviet Union's leaders were determined to spread communism worldwide; they possessed strategic patience and were adaptive in pursuing their goal. The USSR would never be America’s partner but a long-term rival, and therefore it must be contained. Moreover, U.S. decision-makers assumed that American society would fully support this approach.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above is a must read.


RussInSoCal said...

The article is right, but uses a lot of words to come to the simple conclusion that Western pols and MNC's always knew China was a threat. They just allowed the threat to grow because of all the money they were and are accumulating.

Its an old song.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a case if Coventry.

If you act, then your agents get rolled up. The post Brennan agents. He lost his.

Anonymous said...

Dec. 31
Chinese authorities treated dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.

On Dec. 31, the government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus that had infected dozens of people in Asia. At the time, there was no evidence that the virus was readily spread by humans. Health officials in China said they were monitoring it to prevent the outbreak from developing into something more severe.

Jan. 11
China reported its first death.

On Jan. 11, Chinese state media reported the first known death from an illness caused by the virus, which had infected dozens of people. The 61-year-old man who died was a regular customer at the market in Wuhan, . The report of his death came just before one of China’s biggest holidays, when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country.

Jan. 20
Other countries, including the United States, confirmed cases.

The first confirmed cases outside mainland China occurred in Japan, South Korea and Thailand, according to the World Health Organization’s first situation report. The first confirmed case in the United States came the next day in Washington State, where a man in his 30s developed symptoms after returning from a trip to Wuhan.

Jan. 23

Anonymous said...

It is this federal-support piece that has been missing, sources I spoke with say. Testing for COVID-19 has been abysmal. Lacking guidance and support from the White House, governors have been left scrambling to obtain ventilators and personal protective equipment for frontline workers, creating a sellers’ market. “[To] take federal capability and federal responsibility out of the mix means you’re leaving the states to fight this with one arm tied behind their back,” Konyndyk said. The former government official put it more bluntly. “How are we going to explain to the American people how the government has really failed them?…Government failed drastically and it failed to do its part. And it shows that some functions, the private sector cannot do alone.”

The reorganization and streamlining of the National Security Council in the Trump era, specifically whether Bolton dismantled an office focused on pandemics, has emerged as a point of discussion and competing narratives. At the start of the Trump administration, Tom Bossert held the position and, as an assistant to the president, had the highest rank of commissioned officers in the White House. Cameron recalled that during the presidential transition, Rice pushed for pandemics to be one of the three topics covered in an exercise with the incoming administration. At the time, the White House was tracking an outbreak of H7N9, a new strain of the avian flu emerging in China. In Bossert, Cameron saw a receptive participant in the exercise. “He placed a high priority on pandemics because he understands them,” she told me. But when Bolton was tapped to replace H.R. McMaster, Bossert was shown the door and the position was downgraded to a deputy assistant to the president, no longer able to convene the cabinet. Doug Fears and Peter Brown succeeded Bossert, but their tenures were brief. According to the former administration official, Brown only met with Robert O’Brien, Bolton’s successor, once during his time in the White House. Today, the position of homeland-security adviser is vacant.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides is trying to tell us what is what at 8:10 and 8:16, which comes at great sacrifice considering the opportunity cost.

McMaster really upset a lot of rank & file.

We do not like Muslim Imperialism.

Consider why we do not like Muslim Imperialism.

I suppose the some people have no problem with legal or illegal Muslim migrants stabbing 7 year old girls riding bikes.

Emily Jones: Stabbed Bolton girl was 'light of our life', parents say

'She was the light of our lives': Heartbroken parents pay tribute to seven-year-old girl stabbed to death while playing in park - as woman, 30, is held under Mental Health Act

Parents pay tribute to 'social butterfly' aged seven stabbed to death

'WE ARE ALL HEARTBROKEN' Popular schoolgirl, 7, stabbed to death by stranger in park on Mother’s Day was ‘ray of sunshine’

This is Emily, 7, who was stabbed to death in a Bolton park. Her devastated parents have paid a heart-wrenching tribute to her

School ‘heartbroken’ after seven-year-old Emily Jones was stabbed to death in park on Mother's Day

Her Name is Emily Jones: 7-Year-Old Girl Stabbed to Death by Somali Invader

It begs the question, Why do liberals, ibtards, libturds, socialist, idiots keep bringing these people into our countries?

- To show us who is boss?

- Because the can?

- Because they hate us?

- Because they hate themselves?

- Because we're too white? (they actually make that argument)

- Because social service nonprofits make lots of profit for the upper management?

Anonymous said...

Like I posted, the rank & file did not like McMaster.

So some ghastly gadlfy is posting that Trump got rid of McMaster and acts as though we all should be horrified.

Gadfly is among the stupidest people, I will ever meet.



"Just like in Iraq, Harvey began digging at the NSC. He came up with a list of Obama holdovers who were leaking to the press. McMaster, the new head of the NSC, refused to fire any of them."

"Once McMaster took over as National Security Adviser, the swamp was back. McMaster has warned Trump against talking about Islamic terrorism. He had tried to force out Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who played a crucial role in exposing the Obama eavesdropping, and replace him with Linda Weissgold, the director of the CIA’s Office of Terrorism Analysis, who had helped draft the Benghazi talking points which blamed the Islamic terror attack on “protests”."


" That’s why current National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster protected Susan Rice’s access to classified information and nurtured all the Obama holdovers behind the leaks while purging those who tried to expose them."


"When Flynn was forced out and McMaster took over, there was no room for her views at the NSC."

"At an NSC meeting, H.R. McMaster insisted that Islamic terror had nothing to do with Islam. The use of “radical Islamic terrorism” was a mistake. McFarland was in attendance."

Anonymous said...

"Trump’s decision to make the case outright to the Muslim leaders was all the more astounding because on the eve of his speech, McMaster demeaned his refusal to embrace the narrative that Islam is peace in an interview with ABC News. In McMaster’s insubordinate words, “The president will call [Islamic terrorism] whatever he wants to call it. But I think it’s important that whatever we call it, we recognize that these are not religious people and, in fact, these enemies of all civilizations, what they want to do is to cloak their criminal behavior under this false idea of some kind of religious war.

Why should have Trump have had McMaster on his team disrupting things?

IMO Caroline Glick is much smarter. more Jewish, and more honest than you know who.

Anonymous said...


Why do we need McMaster again?

Twits on Twitter think thusly

"But when Bolton was tapped to replace H.R. McMaster, Bossert was shown the door"

Anonymous said...

This is not politics as usual

but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken. At its core, these campaigns run on multiple lines of effort, serve as the non-violent line of effort of a wider movement, and execute political warfare agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcome

"reflect cultural Marxist outcome"

Who here says they love, love, LOVE socialism?

Anonymous said...

This is not politics as usual

but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken. At its core, these campaigns run on multiple lines of effort, serve as the non-violent line of effort of a wider movement, and execute political warfare agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcome

"reflect cultural Marxist outcome"

Who here says they love, love, LOVE socialism?

Anonymous said...

Over three weeks ago, hydroxychloroquine was all the rage in MAGA world, despite flawed and scattered evidence about whether drug could help cure coronavirus. Now there is another drug, remdesivir, with positive early scientific data.

Much of MAGA world wants little to do with it.

At first, it may seem like a head-scratching response. President Donald Trump’s base has been quick to trumpet any potential solutions to the coronavirus pandemic — especially those Trump himself promotes — regardless of the red flags from medical experts. But with remdesivir, it’s the Trump-boosting pundits who are raising the red flags, even as the president expresses optimism.

Indeed, the same segment of the right that claimed scientists and the media were deliberately downplaying hydroxychloroquine in order to hurt Trump’s standing are now the ones downplaying remdesivir. On Fox News, Laura Ingraham suggested that remdesivir, as a newer drug being produced by the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, could be unsafe and expensive. Those who initially helped raise the profile of hydroxychloroquine raised doubts about the remdesivir studies.

The unexpected reaction appears to stem from the differences in how the two drugs came into the public spotlight. Hydroxychloroquine bubbled up through the MAGA grassroots — little-known investors promoted it online, got on Fox News and suddenly the president was talking about it from the White House. Remdesivir’s progress came through a government-funded trial that had the blessing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the bĂȘte noire of Trump hardliners who blame the government’s top infectious disease expert for undermining the president and causing unnecessary economic damage with his social-distancing guidelines.

Anonymous said...

In an attempt to ensure their contests become referendums on their own responses to the virus, rather than the president’s, vulnerable House Republicans are instead brandishing their own independent streaks, playing up their work with Democrats, doubling down on constituent service and hosting town-hall-style events — avoiding mention of Mr. Trump whenever possible.

It is an approach that looks familiar to former Representative Carlos Curbelo, Republican of Florida, who tried to distance himself from Mr. Trump on immigration and other issues in 2018 as he fought to hang onto his seat in a diverse South Florida district, but was swept out in a midterm debacle that handed Democrats control of the House.

“The president continues to be reckless in the context of the Covid-19 crisis,” Mr. Curbelo said in an interview. “You could see a similar dynamic where a lot of Republicans in competitive districts will just break with him in an effort to protect their own candidacies.”

Anonymous said...

We bring people into this country in the same manner that your DNA got into this country..

My people were not brought here by the non-Profit Catholic or Luther Social Services, who directors make 6 figure salaries for trucking people in.

Now for an even bigger, more personal lie.

"Glick is good writer and very conservative. That is ok[sic] with me.

Glick is often featured in Front Page Magazine and you loathe Front Page Magazine. How bad can Front Page Magazine be if they regular feature Caroline Glick. But somehow they are beyond the pale, since many a re Jewish and not religiously liberals like you.

How did Blacks get here? They were sold by Black and Arab slave traders.

"And illegals were allowed here for low wages to pick crops and nothing done"

Well my grandparents on one side were not Irish or Mexican and they did not even live in a house back in the day. So the people you are supposedly championing to burnish your own credentials were not that bad off compared to everyone else. Keep bringing it up. We have more people look into their ancestry via and find out that most people did not have indoor plumbing, picked crops, etc during that time period. You're a real wiener.

Anonymous said...

A slave, sir, is a slave and who bought the slave is the issue. That an African or Arab sold the slave to a white Christian does not make slavery ok.
I read Glick. I read decent writers. One good writer does not a entire magazine make. CG writes mostly for

WASHINGTON — President Trump moved on Friday night to replace a top official at the Department of Health and Human Services who angered him with a report last month highlighting supply shortages and testing delays at hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic.

The White House waited until after business hours to announce the nomination of a new inspector general for the department who, if confirmed, would take over for Christi A. Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general who was publicly assailed by the president at a news briefing three weeks ago.

The nomination was the latest effort by Mr. Trump against watchdog offices around his administration that have defied him. In recent weeks, he fired an inspector general involved in the inquiry that led to the president’s impeachment, nominated a White House aide to another key inspector general post overseeing virus relief spending and moved to block still another inspector general from taking over as chairman of a pandemic spending oversight panel.

Mr. Trump has sought to assert more authority over his administration and clear out officials deemed insufficiently loyal in the three months since his Senate impeachment trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress ended in acquittal largely along party lines. While inspectors general are appointed by the president, they are meant to be semiautonomous watchdogs ferreting out waste, fraud and corruption in executive agencies.

The purge has continued unabated even during the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed about 65,000 lives in the United States. Ms. Grimm’s case in effect merged the conflict over Mr. Trump’s response to the outbreak with his determination to sweep out those he perceives to be speaking out against him.

Anonymous said...

Glick is representative of a certain strain of mainly-American Jewish thinking: She believes that all criticism of Israel is illegitimate; she believes Jews who disagree with her are traitors to her cause; and she conflates the settlement movement with the entire Zionist project. I believe that it is possible to stand against the settlements and stand for Israel at the same time. This is actually the position of millions of Israelis, including the "far-left" -- in Glick's estimation -- David Grossman. Grossman has given a great deal to his country. I would hazard a guess that he's given more to Israel than Caroline Glick has.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of foreign workers, many living overseas, are receiving stimulus checks designated for U.S. residents due to an unforeseen glitch that funneled taxpayer dollars to other countries, according to tax consultants and the recipients themselves.

College-age workers who spent time in the U.S. in the last two years — some of whom returned home long before the coronavirus pandemic — have been surprised to find $1,200 checks deposited into their bank accounts. And with no clear guidance on how to return it, they’re holding onto the money or racing to spend it before the Internal Revenue Service realizes the mistake.

The incorrect payments were likely distributed to thousands of foreigners in April, said Donna Kepley, president of the tax firm Arctic International who has spoken with dozens of clients over the past two weeks. The error stems from a common tax-filing blunder, particularly for those on F-1 student and J-1 exchange visas. These workers, studying at universities and working summer jobs, often turn to TurboTax and other e-filing systems without knowing that the systems are designed only for U.S. residents.

As a result, many temporary foreign workers each year file the wrong tax forms. The IRS rarely catches the error because nonimmigrant workers’ Social Security numbers have the same number of digits as those of U.S. citizens, and therefore appear to be identical, accountants say.

Usually, the error doesn’t much matter, but this year it’s causing the IRS to think certain foreign workers are eligible for one-time stimulus payments. The glitch affects both workers in the U.S. and those who recently left the country.

Anonymous said...

"Over three weeks ago, hydroxychloroquine was all the rage in MAGA world"

I would,like to politely point out that you are a complete idiot that has very little knowledge of chemistry or biology if you took it at all in High school and college. Yoiu are so ignorant that when you write or speak it is akin to shitting.

No, Trump is Not Crazy for Suggesting UV Light and Disinfectants to Treat Covid

Pseudo-Science behind the Assault on Hydroxychloroquine

- by Leo Goldstein (real Jew. Not the pastiche or the fake liberal kind)

* Hint the guy is smart unlike someone we know.

Things that liberals can not see: Hydroxychloroquine is an ionophore.

Anonymous said...

Republican lawmakers used the coronavirus relief bill to give millionaires a tax break they failed to include in the 2017 tax cut bill.

The 2017 Republican tax cut imposed restrictions on how much owners of "pass-through" businesses, or companies in which the owner pays an individual income tax on profits rather than the corporate income tax, can deduct against non-business income, such as capital gains. The bill set a $250,000 cap on losses that can be deducted.

But right-wing think tanks and some lawmakers complained about the cap, and Senate Republicans snuck a provision into the coronavirus relief bill last month to suspend the limits, The Washington Post reports.

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), a nonpartisan congressional agency, estimates that more than 80% of the benefits of the tax change will benefit those who earn more than $1 million per year.

The suspension is expected to cost about $90 billion this year alone and is part of a larger set of tax changes expected to add $170 billion to the national deficit over the next decade, according to the JCT.

In all, about 82% of the benefits will go to just about 43,000 taxpayers. Less than 3% of the benefits will flow to those who earn under $100,000 per year. The bill also allows business owners to apply the tax changes retroactively to their 2018 and 2019 losses.

Anonymous said...

You are not someone or anyone to define who is and is not a "real" Jew.
If you think otherwise, then give a definition of a Jew. I have a son who served in the IDF and I have a photo of Elie Weisel and me..just the two of us...and I have been to Israel a few times and I have a daughter who works for an Israeli/American organization. So go take your silly definitions and go float face down in the Dead Sea

Anonymous said...

"A slave, sir, is a slave and who bought the slave is the issue. That an African or Arab sold the slave to a white Christian does not make slavery ok."

And there it is. The liberal line, the liberal lie, in all its glory.

The liberal, who speaks it does not even remember that it is a lie anymore it has run of its lips like water going over a waterfall.

Did anyone say slavery was okay?

Did anyone night and day say "Bad Americans" for slavery and then give the 1st link in the chain (Arab, Muslim and African) of the slave trade a pass?

You see it is the latter thing that is the problem and why liberals are held in such opprobium. I have a parent that got off the boat around 1961. Why should they be held accountable by every liberal swinging dick over the slave trade? Should they feel guilty about their white privilege, while looking for blue collar work without a car, where towns are 10 miles apart? Oh right you don't care That is fly over country. The part of the country that feeds your fetid ass.

It tales the balls of a Democrat to politic among the Irish and tell them how bad they had it as Irish discriminated against and then turn around and demand the make reparation as white people for slavery. Yup, the is the Democrats way. Divide and Conquer with identity politics. You, get the Irish vote, the black vote and laugh all the way to the bank.
You're a Sylvester McMonkey McBean of identity poltics.

Anonymous said...

I have a son who served in the IDF and I have a photo of Elie Weisel

Really? Is that true? Does it matter?

It would not matter than, if you had 5 kids to feed.

All I see a devout, religiously observant liberal, who believes in the sacrament of Abortion, the immaculate conception of "The One", ...

Anonymous said...

anon: define a "real" Jew!

It’s incredible what we’ve done together over a short period of time,” Donald Trump said at a White House briefing this week, praising his administration’s response to the pandemic.

But analysts say that without centralized governance and coordination, the national effort remains a competing coalition of state and local outfits hampered by duplicated work, competition for supplies, siloed pursuits of non-transferable solutions and red tape that leaves some labs with testing backlogs and others with excess capacity.

All of which leaves the US without a unified, coherent strategy for testing and contact tracing to contain a virus that does not respect state borders and has already killed more than 60,000 Americans.

Without it, the imminent experiment of reopening the country could be catastrophic, warned Harvard epidemiologist Michael Mina in a conference call with reporters this week.

“My concern is that we’ll end up right where we have been, with major cities having healthcare systems that get overrun quickly because of major outbreaks,” Mina said.

I’m afraid we’ll just end up repeating the past
Michael Mina, Harvard epidemiologist

Meanwhile, as states begin to relax social distancing measures, the Trump administration is spreading dangerous misinformation, denying persistent supply shortages, underestimating the number of Covid-19 cases and exaggerating the margin of safety conferred by the current volume of testing and contact-tracing, experts say.

“We’ve done more than 200,000 tests in a single day,” Mike Pence said at a taskforce briefing this week, in which Trump touted testing as “one of the great assets that we have” in reopening the US.

But at current testing levels, with only rudimentary plans for contact tracing for new cases, the US will be flying virtually blind as it reopens, said Glen Weyl, a technologist who co-authored a report issued by Harvard’s Safra Center for Ethics that calls for 5m tests a day by early June.

“No, definitely not, you can’t open up with that number,” Weyl said of Pence’s announcement. “It’s not even remotely in the right ballpark. It’s off by a factor of 10.”

Anonymous said...

"Remdesivir’s progress came through a government-funded trial that had the blessing of Dr. Anthony Fauci"

"The COVID-19 Treatment Panel of NIH evaded disclosure of the massive financial links of its members to Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer of a competing drug remdesivir. Among those who failed to disclose such links are 2 out of 3 of its co-chairs."

remdesivir failed a trial about 3 to 5 days ago. I was thinking liberals were going to jump all over that. More lock down. If Trump mentioned as a hopeful sign, then the libtards were going to do a double war whoop. And then miracle of Miracles remdesivir passes a trial the next day and everything is sunny. Despite Trump having mentioned it

Maybe it is because remdesivir is under patent and Hydroxychloroquine is not?

And the people in the NIH told friends to change the TPM, because "Payday here I come!"?

Anonymous said...

The administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis disclosed the fatality numbers after several news organizations, including The Miami Herald, filed suit under the state’s public records law to force the data’s release — and in the wake of withering pressure from elder advocates and the families of long-term care residents who have been isolated in nursing homes and assisted living facilities for a month.

The data show that nursing homes and assisted living facilities have accounted for one in three coronavirus deaths in the state.

Problems immediately emerged with what was released. For example, more than a month ago, administrators at the 180-bed Atria Willow Wood ALF in Fort Lauderdale confirmed that at least six residents had died of COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus. But the chart released Friday includes only three resident deaths as confirmed, while three remained “under investigation.”

Some of the data raised eyebrows. One nursing home in the Panhandle, the 210-bed Southern Oaks Care Center, was reported to have had three resident deaths — though recent data from health administrators showed 94 residents of the Pensacola home had been infected. Based on previous data, 40% to 50% of long-term care residents infected with the virus die.

Another anomaly: Among the 152 nursing homes and ALFs that have reported at least one death from COVID-19, four were not listed on the state’s most recent list of positive cases at long-term care facilities. Three

Anonymous said...

I read Glick. I read decent writers. One good writer does not a entire magazine make"

"Glick is representative of a certain strain of mainly-American Jewish thinking: She believes that all criticism of Israel is illegitimate; she believes Jews who disagree with her are traitors to her cause"

The thing just contradicted itself and has no cognitive dissonance. It should donate its brain(?) to science.

Anonymous said...

"I read decent writers."

How could you? You are functionally illiterate. You prove it often.

"Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house," - Heinlein

A person could lie to you all day long, because you are innumerate. Is that decent?

Anonymous said...

"elder advocates"

That is so sweet. You care so much.

Unless we are taking a released by the Chinese government or accidental mistake, disease is an act of God. that is it is a natural occurrence.

So for a natural occurrence should we wreak the economy and kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or even a 100 million people to save some elderly.

We choose one way people die. We choose another way people die. I choose the overall optimum. You choose the the suboptimum.

Having never taken calculus, someone has never worried about what a sub optimum is or how it wreaks your goal to find the best solution.

"In applied mathematics and computer science, a local optimum of an optimization problem is a ... When the function to be optimized is continuous, it may be possible to employ calculus to find local optima. ... In many cases, local optima deliver sub-optimal solutions to the global problem, and a local search method needs to ..."

It is so frustrating conversing with you, because you are so stupid. 95% of the people in the world are smarter than you.

Or you may not be dumb. Just lazy and greedy. If you had a choice between living a little longer or paying it forward to you kids, I hate to think the choice you might make.

Anonymous said...

"with major cities having healthcare systems that get overrun quickly because of major outbreaks,

Major Cities are shitholes. Shitholes have disease problems.

You know like NYC cleaning the subway cars every 3 days before the out break whether the subway cars need it or not.

Every 3 days ...

Stanford 20%% pay cut to doctors

Mayo Clinic 30% pay cut to doctors

Oregon nurses unemployed

Because over run .. yeah right

Meanwhile people are not getting cancer screenings. Middle aged and elderly people will die painfully of cancer of long months, because idiots spout elder advocates.

See there is a trade off. Even as t=you try to save some elderly you are condemning other elderly. You are oblivious to the fact, purposefully or blissfully, as you have with every other liberal solution.

Anonymous said...

easy solution! do not converse with me!!


Anonymous said...

Liberals Use Auschwitz Sign at Anti-Lockdown Protest to Demonize Trump

Anonymous said...

Democrat Lawmaker Claims Tara Reade Is Lying about Joe Biden Because of the “Position of the Female Vagina” #MeToo

Lib Logic

Anonymous said...

80 Patients and Staff Members Come Down with Coronavirus at Texas Nursing Home – Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Saves All But 1 Patient

Trump was right.

Anonymous said...

Liberals better be devout and not use HCQ

Anonymous said...

WTH? Mueller Prosecutor Zelinsky Pushes Feds to Examine Emails Between Hasidic Doctor Who Promoted HCQ Treatment for Coronavirus and Jerome Corsi

Liberals waging Holy War

Trump said HCQ, so anyone that uses HCQ is the enemy in a devout liberal's book.

Anonymous said...

Now this…

Mueller prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky pushed federal prosecutors to examine Dr. Zelenko’s emails with Jerome Corsi.

This comes after Corsi mistakenly emailed Zelinsky instead of Dr. Zelenko on the wonder drug.

The federal harassment never ends with these folks.

Anonymous said...

There It Is:

CDC Equates Coronavirus Hospitalizations to Seasonal Flu and Finally Admits It’s MUCH LESS Dangerous for Children

So Democrats want to impeach Trump over the seasonal flu, because It is an election year.

Drmocrats are arseholes/