Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Will There Be A Swift Economic Recovery?

Houston Chronicle/Washington Post: White House now predict swift economic recovery, despite warnings that major problems could persist

WASHINGTON - White House officials are increasingly predicting a swift economic recovery as they break off talks with Congress on additional federal stimulus, expressing optimism that the "reopening" of states will reverse the economic damage caused by the coronavirus.

President Donald Trump and his senior advisers, encouraged by the relative strength of the stock market and some indicators like credit card receipts, have in recent days expressed confidence the U.S. economy will roar back to life in the second half of this year despite staggering increases in unemployment and small business closures.

"It almost feels like today is the first day," Trump said during a White House meeting on Monday. "People are starting to go out. They're opening. They get it."

The White House's rosy view of the U.S. economy's trajectory clashes with the dire predictions of many mainstream economists, as well as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who is set to testify before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday alongside Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

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WNU Editor: It all depends on what stage will the Covid-19 coronavirus will be at in the coming months. If the pandemic dies off this summer, I can see the economy accelerating quickly. But if we get sporadic outbreaks, and a second wave in the fall, there is definitely going to be no economic revival.


Anonymous said...

SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT! Singapore Woman Linked to Bill Gates, Soros and China Is Flagging and Removing ALL VIDEO CONTENT by California Doctors Behind Viral Video




Too many evil people against it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think covid-20 is already in the US -- ready to be released by Chinese spies. This is a fight to the death between China and the USA and your own media and political establishment is working against you.

If you have any sense and integrity left, vote out all Democrats that stifled the hands of Trump for 3 years with a fake Russia hoax narrative - while China got ready.

The Obama administration and Democrats will go down as the worst traitors to your nation. They could not hurt you more if they tried. They were that incompetent and corrupt to the core.

The Democrats and MSM tried to impeach Trump until February while the pandemic spread. Pelosi is on record (on video!) encouraging people to go to China town and spend money and mingle.

You do realise that most Chinese send the money back home and barely pay taxes in your country, right?

Most Chinese I know - and I know many, have many friends among them and been to China many times - do think that paying taxes is not really that important (in other countries). I usually look away but we are now at war with China and any money going to China will make your and my country weaker. I don't say don't go eat Chinese. .I'm saying hold them accountable. They cannot enjoy our life style while not paying taxes and looking away when it comes to the human rights violations, lies, aggression and large scale theft that's promoted by the Chinese government and killed scores around the World.

Please also realise that the worst is yet to come. In a few months people will realise just how many people lost their jobs. There will not be a quick recovery. Hold all vendors accountable to take Chinese goods off their shelves. This is literally a fight to the death between a communist erhno state that sees white (and black even more) as not worthy and standing in their way. This is Nazi Germany x 10. Do wake up. Do take this threat seriously now or we will be facing kinetic warfare next.