Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Your Electronic Signal Can Make You As A Target In A Warzone

Warzone/The Drive: This Is What Ground Forces Look Like To An Electronic Warfare System And Why It's A Big Deal

Modern units generate a large electromagnetic signature from their radios, sensors, and other systems that opponents can spot, track, and attack.

The head of the U.S. Army's 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment has offered an interesting and unusually detailed look at the threat that electronic warfare and electronic support measures pose to American troops on the modern battlefield. The likelihood of a potential adversary monitoring friendly movements via electronic emissions and launching electronic attacks, as well as kinetic ones, on those units has only grown in recent years, with Russia, in particular, demonstrating just how effective these capabilities can be in Ukraine and Syria. American forces in Syria, as well as troops in Europe, have been also subjected to Russia's electronic harassment, as well, underscoring these threats.

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WNU Editor: In coordination with other technologies  that can pinpoint a target, coupled with having the firepower to hit a target, I can see this being very devastating on any battlefield.


Anonymous said...

Duh! Of course. It's 2020. If you are not aware and in control of your electromagnetic signature, you are toast

Anonymous said...

That's a training exercise. Soldiers bring their phones with them to avoid boredom. I'm sure in an actual combat zone there would be different policies.