Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Summary On China's Border Disputes

China's current border disputes

Business Insider: China’s aggression isn’t only aimed at India — but at least four other countries in the region

* China’s hostile activities over the last month haven’t not only been against India.
* Countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and Japan have also had to bear the brunt of its aggression.
* Experts speculate that this could be to distract from the second wave coronavirus in the country or a tactic for China to bide for more time to take on the US.

The India-China faceoff in the Galwan valley has triggered panic across the globe. The Indian Army has confirmed the death of 20 personnel, while casualties on the Chinese side are yet to be confirmed. The tensions between the two Asian nations had been at a tipping point since May 5, when the standoff first came to light.

However, China’s military aggression is not only against India. In the last two weeks, it has been exhibiting hostile behaviour throughout the region — towards Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and Japan among other nations.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China is also now starting to permit conversations that China is entitled to vast tracts of Siberia, and even Kazakhstan .... Chinese Article Says Kazakhstan Wants To Be A Part Of China, And That Kazakhstan Historically Belongs To China (April 15, 2020). Here is an easy prediction. China's territorial demands are not going to end anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Starting to sound like Germany's territorial claims leading up to WW2.

Anonymous said...

Germany's claims were much better than China's claims. One of the problems with the WW1 settlement is that the Wilsonian concept of borders was applied to everyone but Germany.

Has it occurred to anyone that if Wilsonian borders had been applied to Germany that the Sudentenland would not have been a thing and that 1938 would not have happened?

Anonymous said...

At Anon 2:08 PM

The Germans still went on to annex Austria and Czechoslovakia and attack Poland. Whether or not Sudentenland was part of Germany or not following WW1 would not have changed that.

Anonymous said...

With a different political settlement at the conclusion of WW1, there would have been a different political situation in Germany.

Better ethnic borders and, limiting reparations to Belgium, and France and others admitting their war guilt would have prevented Hitler from rising to power.

As it was it took him 15 years and only then by hook and by crook. Hitler did not have a majority in 1932 / 1933. He only had a plurality and not always that. It was ephemeral.

Andrew Jackson said...

As I said ,CCP will attack Russia!