Friday, June 19, 2020

Australian Prime Minister Says The Country Has Been Under A Nationwide Cyberattack From A ‘State Actor’ For The Past Few Months

Business Insider: Australia is all but accusing China of a months-long cyberattack on its government systems and major companies

* Australia said Friday it had been battered for months by cyberattacks from a rival government.
* Prime Minister Scott Morrison declined to name a culprit, but the only one name is in the frame: China.
* Australian officials detailed techniques it said had been used to get access to systems used by governments as well as businesses.
* China strongly denied involvement, describing any accusations against it as "baseless."
* China-Australia relations have taken a steep dive in recent months, with sanctions and clashes over how far China is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic.

Australia on Friday said that it had been subject to a months-long series of cyberattacks aimed at its institutions and companies that could only have come from a rival government.

While officials did not say on the record who they believe is to blame, there is only really one country in the frame: China.

Australia's ABC public broadcaster, the Reuters news agency,, and The Australian newspaper all cited sources close to the government pointing the finger at China.

According to Australian cyber-security officials, the wave of attacks is "a sustained targeting of Australian governments and companies by a sophisticated state-based actor. "

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China is denying these accusations .... China denies being behind cyber attack on Australia, foreign ministry spokesman calls claims 'baseless' (ABC News Online).

More News On The Australian Prime Minister Saying The Country Has Been Under A Nationwide Cyberattack From A ‘State Actor’

Australian leader says unnamed state increasing cyberattacks -- AP
Australia sees China as main suspect in state-based cyberattacks, sources say -- Reuters
Australia under nationwide cyberattack from ‘state actor’, says PM -- France 24
Australia cyber attacks: PM Morrison warns of 'sophisticated' state hack -- BBC
Australia facing state-based cyber attack targeting government, industry -- UPI
Australia has suffered an enormous 'state-based' cyber attack on its government, education, health, and business sectors — with initial reports stating China may be behind it -- Business Insider
'Cyber attacks' point to China's spy agency, Ministry of State Security, as Huawei payback, say former Australian officials -- ABC News Online


Anonymous said...

China is not the only one who finances commun ists.

Angie Merkel, aka Mother, finances Antifa.

"Now, a parliamentary query by the conservative AfD party has revealed over €1 million out of Merkel’s media/propaganda budget 2019 went to fund Soros-funded NGO “Neue deutsche Medienmacher” (New German Media Makers – NdM), whose avowed goal is to increase “diversity” in German journalism by promoting ethnic minorities (New Germans) in the media and establishing “speech guidelines” for journalists. Merkel’s 2020 NdM funding totals €291.000 so far, according to the German federal government."

Mother should be sent to Gitmo. At leas there she would have proper health care and lose weight until she was a normal weight and not morbidly obese.

Anonymous said...

If you're dumb enough to do business with China you have no one to blame but yourself once the extortion starts

Unknown said...

I've watched the Fu Manchu movies. I know how these fiendish plots run. Send for Nayland Smith if Scotland Yard!!! Keep ducking 🖖🧐

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Anonymous said...

And get the lawn mowed.