Thursday, June 11, 2020

Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Says It Was Wrong To Be With President Trump At A Church That Was Firebombed By Protesters

NBC: Nation's top military officer apologizes for role in Trump photo op outside church: 'I should not have been there'

"My presence in that moment, and in that environment, created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics," Milley said.

Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, apologized Thursday for his role in President Donald Trump's church photo op last week, saying he shouldn't have been at the scene.

"As many of you saw, the result of the photograph of me at Lafayette Square last week, that sparked a national debate about the role of the military in civil society," Milley said in a prerecorded address at a commencement ceremony at the National Defense University in Washington. "I should not have been there. My presence in that moment, and in that environment, created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics."

"As a commissioned, uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it," he continued. "We who wear the cloth of our nation come from the people of our nation. And we must hold dear the principle of an apolitical military that is so deeply rooted in the very essence of our Republic. And this is not easy. It takes time and work and effort. But it may be the most important thing each and every one of us does every single day."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: So it was not right to go with the President to a church that was firebombed by "protesters" the previous night? I repeat. According to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, it was wrong to go with the President to a church that is in front of the White House and that was deliberately firebombed by protesters. The chattering class and the media are going to revel in this, but it sends a terrible message to those who do not share their views, and it sends a  message to the enemies of the U.S. that its top general is not only weak, but apologetic for wishing he was not present at a place of worship that was torched the previous night by the mob.

More News On That Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Saying It Was Wrong To Be With President Trump At The Church That Was Firebombed By Protesters

After rebuke, top U.S. general says joining Trump church walk during protests was 'mistake' -- Reuters
Milley says he was wrong to accompany Trump on church walk -- AP
Top general apologizes for appearing in photo-op with Trump after forceful removal of protesters -- CNN
'I should not have been there': Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley says it was a 'mistake' to walk with Trump to church -- USA Today


Anonymous said...

Miley needs to resign, now!

Anonymous said...

Even if he disagreed with it, he shouldn't be publicly undermining his president. That should by itself be grounds for termination of his position. He can join Betray-us in campaigning to rename bases and tear down statues instead.

RussInSoCal said...

Gen Milley, just another Pentagon swamp-general waiting in line to stick a knife in Trump's back. Now you understand the place where that round-faced twat Vindman came from. They're all the same. Popping up like moles.

To be surrounded - every day - by liars, cowards and backstabbers...

/almost makes ya wanna hold a giant rally in Tulsa.

Anonymous said...

all the top military people are wrong and Trump is right,right?
What do they know? Just look at at how wealthy Trump is (see his taxes) and compare with all those top guys who only went to West Point, fought and led troops in wars.

RussInSoCal said...

anon 4:21 PM

You mean those wars we've been fighting for the last 20 years? Those wars? /with all the great victories these political-whore Generals have "led" our troops in.

Give me a break. These top Generals/Admirals are all Pentagon creatures. Maybe once respected and militarily solid. But now they are simple politicians. Rose to power during the Obama admin and carrying the torch of perpetual war.

So yeah, Trump does know better. He's a Wash DC outsider.

Anonymous said...

Milley Vanilley

Anonymous said...

Troops like you clerk. Again you're not nearly as clever as you think you are clerk.

B.Poster said...

"all the top military are wrong and Trump is right, right?" Essentially yes. The editor's comment is spot on. Based upon how Trump campaigned I expected him to pursue certain policies. Essentially this is what he has done. Based upon how he campaigned I would have expected him to go to the church in this situation and this what I would want him to do. Essentially he made the right decision and the general is wrong.

Trump was elected to do certain things and implement certain polices. The generals were not. If they cannot follow the direction of the duly elected president based upon our electoral system then they should resign. As I stated elsewhere, president Trump has the correct policies but he will need the help of the Republicans and the military leadership to implement them.

Anonymous said...

"all those top guys who only went to West Point, fought and led troops in wars."

If you are going to troll at least have the courtesy to skim at least a few articles to make it somewhat believable. I hope you handlers send you to Lubyanska, Evin et al as appropriate. Do your supervisor oversee your shoddy work?

"Although Milley earned his commission as an Armor officer through Princeton's Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in 1980, he has spent most of his career in Infantry assignments" - Wiki

Milley might have heard a shot fired in anger during the 1st Gulf War. His bio is kind of sketchy and irregular about that.

Anonymous said...

This behavior is not what I expect from military people. Especially of his rank.
But having served a few years in the military, I know rank isn't necessarily earned through combat or competence. A big factor in those stars and other adornments of rank are garnered through being a team man. Wave makers are not welcome.
Decades ago in my war, a barracks mate fell and scuffed his knee running to the "rocket shelter", a pile of sandbags with a roof. Later the medic swabbed it and placed a bandaid on the abrasion. He received, and accepted, a purple heart for his running incompetence. If society handed these out there would be hardly an elementary school kid without a bunch of these to go with their participation trophies.
What's this guy's motive for pulling this stunt? Some people know no shame.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the wrong general for the job. Unfortunately, it will take at least a second term to clear out this garbage from our military. If DJT wins, he'd better start doing just that from day one.

Anonymous said...

Such real losers and non-thinker on this blog. Especially The ones called B.Poster and Russinsocal. Even the editor states what General Milley is saying and then just disregard the whole statement and meanings of it. And shame on the editor for out right lies in his comments. There was a fire set in the nursery in the basement. The church was not “firebombed”. All you so called men only want to hear that you are right so you can pat each other on the back. The military will not be involved in domestic politics. No matter how many times you Wish it to be. Men of honor will not let that happen. This is not a dictatorship even though you want to be.

RussInSoCal said...

12:31 AM

I'm sure B Poster and I are quite chagrined at your chastisement. You have some very good points there.

Oh wait - no you don't.

"There was a fire set in the nursery in the basement." That's all - just a little fire set in the historic Church right across the street from the White House. Just a molotov cocktail flung into the same house of worship that Abe Lincoln would attend. No big deal. Graffiti and vandalism all over the grounds. Rocks and bottles hurled at officers, injuring several.

Just "Peaceful Protests". Just thousands of earnest citizens expressing their views non-violently with no damage or destruction or looting or mayhem.

And in Seattle. Again just a peaceful crowd of mischievous youngsters expressing their First Amendment rights. (By forcefully occupying a police precinct, armed extortion residents and businesses and barricading a 6 block boundary) Call it a "Block Party".

Intrepid local mayors courageously leading their cities through the tumult.

/sarc off

The insurrection act was valid in Los Angeles in 1992. It was valid in New Orleans in 2005 and it is valid in the current situation. It is valid because of the incompetence and complicity of every deep blue Dem city gov't when they're faced with actual domestic terrorism. (not the imaginary kind).

They'd rather see their residents terrorized, their cities burnt and their police neutered. Adults need to step in at some point.