Saturday, June 20, 2020

China To Establish A National Security Office In Hong Kong

Reuters: Beijing to have sweeping powers over Hong Kong security law

BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - China will have overarching powers over the enforcement of a new national security law in Hong Kong, according to details released on Saturday that signalled the deepest change to the city’s way of life since it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

The planned law has alarmed foreign governments as well as democracy activists in Hong Kong, who were already concerned that Beijing is eroding the high degree of autonomy granted to the territory when it was handed over from British rule.

According to details released by the official Xinhua news agency, Hong Kong will establish a committee to safeguard the legislation, headed by the city’s leader Carrie Lam and supervised by the central government.

New police and prosecution units will be set up to investigate and enforce the law.

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WNU Editor: So much for China's promise of two systems one country.

More News On China Establishing A National Security Bureau In Hong Kong

China to establish national security bureau in Hong Kong -- AP
China releases details of Hong Kong anti-sedition law -- The Guardian
China to set up 'national security agency' in Hong Kong: Media -- Al Jazeera
Factbox: China's new national security proposals for Hong Kong riddled with uncertainty -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Lapides and one other(you know who you are) absolutely love this.

Anonymous said...

Defense Secretary Mike Esper is setting up National Security Offices through out the military.

If Blacks are not making it into the officer corps there is one reason and one reason only. Two many blacks are born and raised in Democrat Occupied Cities.

The military racist?

Promotion boards are required to have women and minority representation. These people would report back if there were problems.

A white boy needs a bachelors degree. A Hispanic can get by on an associates degree. Seen it happen.

Beside the bean counting of military members look at their spouses, especial the spouses of white military members and tell me there is rampant racism. There are a lot of interracial marriages among military members.

Mike Esper has joined the fascist regime and is setting up National Security Offices through out the military.

Anonymous said...

These three initiatives are: 1) standing up a new, internal “Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion in the Military,” which will conduct a 6-month sprint to develop concrete, actionable recommendations to increase racial diversity and ensure equal opportunity across all ranks - especially in the officer corps;

Anonymous said...

According to idiot extraodinaire Esper the Military is racist. Facts say otherwise.

"Conducive Characteristics or Anti-Racist Context? Decomposing the Reasons for Veterans’ High Likelihood of Interracial Marriage"

Dec 2017


Rachel M. ShattuckMeredith A. Kleykamp

Anonymous said...

All the troublemakers in HK will soon be in jail or collecting welfare in the west.

Jac said...

An other example how China become popular all around the world and making a front against the US.