Thursday, June 11, 2020

Coronavirus Cases Across The US Are Spiking Up Again

The U.S. SUN: COVID CLIMBING Arizona, Arkansas, Utah, and the other 18 states where coronavirus is on the rise again

CORONAVIRUS cases across the US are spiking up again after states eagerly reopened and as protesters demonstrated George Floyd’s death in large gatherings throughout the country.

In 21 states, including Arizona, Arkansas, and Utah, cases are rising again after the states reopened local businesses amid the outbreak.

As of Wednesday, the US reported more than 2,040,000 cases of the virus, with over 114,000 related deaths.

If state governors hadn’t enforced coronavirus lockdowns when they did from January to April of this year, the outbreak could have been much worse, a new study claims.

At least 60million cases in the US were prevented by the shutdowns and tough restrictions from health and local officials, according to a team at the University of California, Berkeley.

But as the number of cases dropped because of socially distancing and safety measures, and as governors eagerly and quickly allowed their states to reopen, cases are rising once again.

Read more ....

Update #1: Coronavirus Infections Are On The Rise In 21 U.S. States, With Cases Spiking In California, Arizona And North Carolina (Forbes)
Update #2: 12 states see rising Covid-19 hospitalizations as Arizona asks hospitals to activate emergency plans (CNN)

WNU Editor: No mention that a large number of testing centers were closed down during the riots, which means that the numbers that are being reported are actually much higher .... How Can The Pandemic In The U.S. Be Monitored When The Testing Centers Are Closed Down Because Of The Riots?


B.Poster said...

There were a large number of testing centers still open. States such AZ, AR, and UT weren't hit as hard by the riots as some other states.

In most cases the "spikes" are due entirely to the increases in testing. In fact the TX leadership warned us to expect this as testing is ramped up.

As our economy opens up, this scares some people. A vibrant economy isn't helpful for their political prospects. As such, they'd like to keep our economy closed and, if they can't, scare people into staying home. This is more hysterical fear mongering by unscrupulous people. Hopefully we'll learn someday.

RussInSoCal said...
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Anonymous said...

how come those 1200 health officials who wrote and all signed that letter that staying at home is only necessary if you don't protest for the right cause?
WHY ARE THERE NO CONSEQUENCES ON THE LEFT???? This is madness. They should all resign in disgrace

copley7 said...

They are testing more. When you check everyone the numbers go up. I don't need a masters to figure thet out.

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