Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Explaining the Pandemic To My Past Self

WNU Editor: This is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Really good. Sad the money will be used to bail out looters and gang bangers and murderers. You know, people who were suppressed. Damn white people with your rules!fck rules! Let's murder everyone who is for the white regime, then split the loot and call our state Chud, I mean Chop. If white boy wants to live, make them kneel, pay tribute. If no money is paid consider it a violation. Send him to the fields for some work. If he doesn't pay again maybe whip him. This is happening right now.

It's not about colour. It's about human nature. People try to get what they can, if no one enforces rules.

And to have no one enforce rules, you first get rid of rule enforcers. Cops, lawmakers first. ..but anyone who opposes the mob next.

If you don't virtue signal enough or donate enough or kneel long enough, you're next.
And even the funny ones among us, even the ones with heart, like her, will be next. Your guilt cannot be washed off you dumb white woman.

History is being rewritten, collective guilt is now acceptable, in fact demanded, and you WILL be demonized as an oppressor, no matter how funny you are. If you have a job, you will make space for another person with the right shade of color.

You think you can be with the mob if you show compassion and virtue signal. Learn from history. See what happened during the French revolution.

They all tried to be on the side of the mob. They all died. All of them executed in the most gruesome way. Then they came for each other. No one was pure enough.

You dumb,dumb white woman. You even support a cause that is in its own name racist. This will lead to a race war if no one stands up and says enough. There are millions of poor white people dying of opioid overdoses because no one gives a fck about them. But they don't roam the streets to plunder and murder and make people kneel and ask for payments and reparations and fire everyone and beat everyone and intimidate everyone.

You are funny. Very funny. I laughed out loud. But you're stupid, stupid, stupid. What about the cops and store owners being murdered? Will you donate to them? Stupid Weak White Woman. SWWW

Go kneel. I'll check in on you to see who you're blowing next in a couple months.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget.

Maxine Waters is the democratic congress woman who first called for the formation of mobs - unchecked and applauded by the left media - two years ago. The hillary Clinton opportunist followed swiftly and called for an end to civility until "we're back in power ". Ie mobs are OK. Ending civil discourse is OK. Both those things are Democrat things that were cheered on by CNN and MSNBC. Now your cities burn. Get revenge. At the poll booth. Make those two women as irrelevant to history as they deserve. The rose not because of a good heart or intellect. They rose on your backs then had the audacity to call you names, to mock the democratic process. Hillary loser Clinton lost two presidential elections - first against Obama then against Trump. When she lost against Trunp she didn't even concede until the next day, dividing the country further. Then the marches. Then harassing republicans. The fake Russia gate which actually was a soft coup and they got caught. WaPo got a pulitzer price for 3 years false reporting. And CNN, Nytimes and MSNBC declared all trump supporters to be racists on thousands (!) of occasions. Suggested evil motives. Called them deplorables. Republicans took it all. For years.

A gunman shot and nearly killed scores of republicans. Media silent.

A guy with the right colour fakes a hate crime to get more money. Media takes his side.

Scores and scores of white people commit suicide because women call them toxic males. The same women who call for an end to due process, took side with a lying scumbag just to block a judge with inconvenient views. Called him a serial rapist in front of his children. Put his family through hell with no evidence. Relied on the media to tell the truth. Believed them.

We are at war alright. But we are being played against each other. Who benefits from Americas division? Who is the biggest financer of the black activist movement? The leftist media? Hollywood?

It starts with a C and you're being poisoned quite literally with a physical virus and a mental virus.

You are at war alright. Better understand what's going on in reality. Stupid stupid white woman. Look whose chess piece you are.

Anonymous said...

Another misunderstood soul

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