Sunday, June 14, 2020

French President Macron Says Statues Will Not Be Torn Down In France

France 24: Macron rejects tearing down statues in France

President Emmanuel Macron vowed on Sunday that France would not seek to erase elements of its history or take down statues of controversial public figures, despite growing global scrutiny of former colonial powers in the wake of worldwide protests.

In an address to the nation, Macron said France would be "uncompromising" in its fight against racism after days of demonstrations over alleged prejudice among police forces.

Angry crowds have toppled statues of colonial figures in Britain and the United States, and there has been an intensified scrutiny of the records of key leaders of the colonial era in Europe.

But Macron said the country would not obscure elements of its history or dismantle statues of public figures who may have advocated racist views or policies.

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WNU Editor: The French are very proud of their history. You cannot take that away from them.

More News On French President Macron Saying Statues Will Not Be Torn Down In France

French leader rejects racism but colonial statues to remain -- AP
Macron says France won't remove statues, erase history -- Reuters
Macron says France won't remove colonial-era statues -- The Hill
French President Macron refuses to 'erase' history by removing colonial-era statues -- FOX News
Macron says France won’t ‘tear down statues’ amid anti-racism protests -- Politico


Anonymous said...

A rare bird, he. One with a spine.

Anonymous said...

I salute the balls on this man!

Strange times.. when Americans are bullied into submission and collective guilt and French stand up and say " enough. Not with us. Not with our history"

Maybe because they remember THEIR leftist nutjobs and their French revolution.

Be subjected to silence and it'll be your head next. Good for the French - bravo, Macron! Stand up to the Antiga Democrats leftist nutjobs silencing /cancelling/suppressing everyone

It was Maxine Waters - a Democrat- who called for the formation of mobs to intimidate and harass people who dare to vote for trump. She literally called for mob justice. Hillary Clinton, a two time presidential candidate (lost both times) said right after Maxine called for mobs that "civility can return when we are back in power "

If you vote Democrat you are part of the extreme leftists fringe, hypnotized by some bullshit telling you that we are all to be divided by classes and races. And the professional race baters, Don Lemon, Al Sharpton and the entire Democrat party are profiting of this. Bit never helping. The status quo let's them keep pointing fingers at you, while they are the divisive ones. Their hatred for the white man oozes out of them. Van Jones just recently argued that white people have a racism virus.

All of them. All of them still have their job. That's what's wrong. Right there. Spewing hatred. Spreading lies and division. Causing anger and hatred. CNN, MSNBC gives them all a pass and works with them - they are responsible for cops being shot and insulted.

And if it goes further they are responsible for sectarian violence. Stop and boycott CNN, MSNBC now before your country is turned into the next Iraq. Investigate CNN's money trail to Tirley and China. How CNN tried to stop the USD100bn arms deal that only China and perhaps Russia could have filled then. The ad money. The editorials. The lobbying. It's all there.

Good luck