Thursday, June 4, 2020

Is The Chinese Regime Legitimate?

President Xi Jinping of China, second row center, sat at the focal point of the stage during the opening of the National People’s Congress on Monday in Beijing. Credit Bryan Denton for The New York Times

Bradley A. Thayer, Real Clear Defense: The Chinese Regime Is Not Legitimate

Hong Kong is caught in China’s coils, as Beijing crushes its life brutally and effectively as any python does its prey. The “one country, two systems” model is reaching its anfractuous end with the new national security law imposed on Hong Kong. What China is gaining is that Hong Kong will be brought under complete control. As a consequence, Hong Kong cannot be a source of political unrest for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Nevertheless, what China lost is more considerable. What Hong Kong and other malodorous actions taken by the CCP against human rights and religious freedom reveals that the CCP lacks political legitimacy. It is important to remember this as the world commemorates the June 4th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

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WNU Editor: The Chinese Communist Party is going nowhere. But holding them accountable for their actions can be done, and the recommendations listed in the above post are a good start.


Anonymous said...

With 600 million citizens living in poverty, according to a recent admission, I'll bet pictures such as the one accompanying this posting are not best sellers. The suited ones have obviously never seen a rice paddy and water buffalo.

Anonymous said...

Xi has seen a rice paddy. He probably even worked in one. He might have spent a month working in a rice paddy or wheat field for a month for 3 or 4 years. Xi has defects, but that is not one of them.

It was required .So the others spent time in the fields as well.

Jac said...

Anon 3:32,

Yes, Xi did and when you put on the top of that his father, high CCP rank, was purged you cannot think he could be a "perfect communist". Xi has his own agenda, the same his father had, and he is using the CCP system for it. This make him extremely dangerous knowing he is smart (he is engineer, at least). His life is just a gamble, either having a huge personal glory, no matter what it takes, or dying completely forgotten but with the pride for trying.
That's the same scheme Hitler had. And as Hitler he is impatient.