Friday, June 26, 2020

Is The Rise Of Covid-19 Cases In The U.S. A Result Of BLM Protests And Riots?

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PJ Media: Is The Rise Of Covid-19 Cases In The U.S. A Result Of BLM Protests

So, your sort of sideways point that nobody is willing to finger the protests for the spike in cases is probably correct. I did some work on this about a week ago, but am not willing to write about it myself, being a corporate tool. Math: Median time from exposure to symptoms (if you get them) is 5-6 days. Median time from symptoms to hospitalization is 7 days. Point is, hospitalizations should start to increase ~12 days from a super spreader event. Well, that is exactly when cases started to spike here in Austin. I graphed the “Texas reopening” orders against the Austin MSA hospitalization graph. No effect, until exactly 12 days after the first big demonstration. Here you go.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: During the height of the riots and protests in the US three weeks ago I said on this blog that I feared that all the work that was done in limiting the spread of the coronavirus was for nothing. The above data .... albeit for only one city .... proves that this "fear" was justified.


B.Poster said...

It is definitely the ultimate "super spreader." Trump rallies, bars, and restaurants are pipsqueaks compared to these. The "experts" are laser focused on bars, restaurants, and group outings to the point that they're unwilling to consider anything else. Perhaps it's confirmation bias.

Jac said...

I was frighten the first day of the riot that it was a "freedom for COVID-19". Well, no wonder what we have it now. But, don't make any mistake: Trump will bear the guilt, of course!

RussInSoCal said...

B Poster

The mob race riots were definitely a catalyst for the current spread. We were asking ourselves a few weeks ago whether the or not the "peaceful protests" would bear viral fruit.

Looks like they have.

Interesting that the Red States are now showing the highest concentrations on Wuhan/Covid.

It would be telling to track cell phone data in and out of the looted and burned urban centers to see who was there. From where. And where they went to afterword.

Should be fairly simple, actually.

B.Poster said...

It should be fairly simple. Will it actually be done? I'm sure Trump and AG Barr have thought about this and may be doing it. Unfortunately I don't see much of the government actually wanting to do this. There more interested in trying to hurt Trump, advance BLM/ANTIFA, crush small businesses with rioters/looters, and scaring people on hopes of getting a defective shutdown.

Trump and his team tend to operate quietly so they may well be doing this. I hope so.

On a side note, in response to the spike in cases in TX governor Abbott has taken aim at the bars and restaurants while ignoring the "super spreader" 60,000+ George Floyd rally and that was just one event!! I've sern the pictures. They were massive!!

To top this off, Lt Governor Dan Patrick admitted in an interview on Fox News that there's no hard evidence that he can point to that would prove bar's abd restaurants are behind the "spike" in cases. It sounds more like a hunch that TX leadership has. Decisions were made literally in the dead of night without any debate based upon gut feelings to shut down some businesses and limit others. Essentially business owners, their employees, and their customers are being denied due process without any debate or discussion with the affected stakeholders. I have a huge problem with that!!

Anonymous said...

the Mr Poster, you are saying the Gov of Texas made a dumb mistake in again closing bars but haveing no evidence that was the cause of recent spike?

B.Poster said...

Anon (1:25),

Essentially this is my take. In an interview on Fox News Lt Governor Dan Patrick admitted that there's no hard evidence he can point to that proves bars and restaurants are behind the spread. In the current TX political situation, the Governor and the Lt Governor work closely together making it VERY unlikely that the governor has evidence the Lt Governor hasn't seen. The decision appears to have been made based upon a hunch or perhaps there's something more nefarious involved. Frankly the decision stinks on so may levels it hard to know where to start!!

B.Poster said...

okay I will "start" somewhere. In reaching the decision to curtail restaurants and close bars, the governor cited an increase percentage of positive tests of greater than 10% stating this had been the metric all along. We've invested heavily in more testing and in contact tracing. In such an environment, we would expect to see massive increases in both positive test results and percentage positive tests. Contact tracing is allowing us to identify those who are either asymptomatic or who have very mild symptoms. Such people generally aren't going to seek medical help and prior to tracing would've gone unnoticed. This is bound to cause a massive spike in the percentage of positive tests.

This begs the question was the 10% figure for percentage positive tests put in as a trap to ensure that reopening gets derailed? If this is the case, were the governor and his team aware of this or did the "experts" dupe them? For now I'm withholding judgement on this.

P. Boster said...

Workers removed thousands of social distancing stickers before Trump’s Tulsa rally, according to video and a person familiar with the set-up

B.Poster said...

Anon (5:38),

The Trump rally was miniscule compared to the George Floyd protests. I'd liken it to the Trump rally as a child's water gun up next to the vast ocean of the George Floyd protests. In other words, the Trump rally simply couldn't have made a statistical difference in the number of new COVID-19 cases.

As far as removing the stickers, I will read the article time permitting and will seek independent verification as the media regularly distorts what Trump and his team do.

Now as for the efficacy of this "social distancing" thing. Numerous studies going back decades suggest that hugging boosts immunity and the lack thereof xdctrazes it. Also, there is a VERY good reason why young people gather together in crowds packed like virtual sardines. I think we may have been going about this COVID-19 response all wrong!! You can't question the "experts" such as Fauci, Birx, or the CDC. If you do, their media and other
allies will viciously come after you in the most vile ways!!

There's been a "spike" in cases among young people. Why do you suppose this is? Probable answer: they were "locked down" for months depriving them of building up their immune systems as their biology tells them to do by gathering in crowds. Then when the government FINALLY partially removed the economic knee from their necks they did what their biology tells them to do.

They went to bars and gathered on crowds!! There was a problem though!! Weakened by months of lack of stimulation their immune systems are now like de facto elderly people. Being young they don't grasp the benefit of powerful multivitamins or sunshine to keep pathogens at bay.

So essentially the human immune system had to make up for lost time. You cannot defeat nature. Unfortunately Fauci, Birx, the CDC and others in their hubris thought they could. Essentially team Trimp likeky did humanity a favor by removing those signs if they really did which I consider VERY unlikely.

This analysis is sound if this is a "naturally occurring virus that escaped from a Chinese lab" as we have been told. If not, the normal rules may not apply in which case they need to tell us!! For now, the analysis assumes the conventional wisdom is correct leading to the conclusion that we've gone about this the wrong way due to extreme and unbridled hubris on the part of "science!!"