Monday, June 22, 2020

Japan's Decision To Change The Status Of Disputed Islands Raises Tensions With China

CNN: Vote in Japan to change status of disputed islands threatens to raise tensions with China

Hong Kong (CNN)A bill that changes the status of an island chain claimed by both Japan and China was approved by a city council in Okinawa on Monday, generating a strong protest from Beijing, which said it had dispatched coast guard ships to the area.

The Ishigaki City Council in Japan's Okinawa prefecture approved the legislation that changes the administrative status of the uninhabited island group, known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyus in China.

The bill changes the name of the islands for administrative purposes from "Tonoshiro" to Tonoshiro Senkaku" to avoid confusion with another area of Ishigaki, Japan's NHK News reported.

The islands, 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo, have been administered by Japan since 1972, but both Tokyo and Beijing say their claims to the group date back hundreds of years.

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WNU Editor: Changing the name of these islands will not increase the tensions that exist between China and Japan. They are already sky-high.


Anonymous said...

I've had fewer dealings with Japanese than Chinese, but from those few interactions I must say I'm deeply impressed with the Japanese. They have a distinct way of carrying themselves. Honour means something and they often go out of their way to make your day better. In business and privately. The Chinese way of business is "give me more and more and after we agreed I still want to push you for my benefit"..that would never happen if you deal with Japanese. I cannot imagine a Japanese businessman trying to thief you like this. There is a code of honour and I deeply respect that.

Having said that it must also be acknowledged that Japan did commit serious human rights violations and despicable crimes when they fought and invaded China. So they're not without guilt at all and the Chinese perspective has to be appreciated. Many in China despise the Japanese for what they've done.

In today's environment it'd be good to understand not only the claims and stakes but also the psychological component.

Japan feels bullied and out matched by a country they once dominated.
China feels they've got a righteous claim and that anyone who tries to keep them down (from their perceived righteous throne) will pay for it and publicly so. Especially Japan.

How this will end is anyone's guess.

But if I've got to fight on some side, I'd likely side with the Japanese because I have had only positive and deeply impressive experiences with them. On the Chinese side I've often been insulted and lied to and taken advantage of. It's hard to ignore. BUT if the Chinese can make a convincing claim I'm happy to listen because my preference is not what matters. Justice - if it can be reached - should be the goal.

I just wish our supranational institutions would be less political and corrupt. The recent WHO / wuhan virus scandal was an eye opener. Talk about erosion of trust. I'll never trust the WHO again. They played with all our lives. And the UN just recently tweeted a quasi endorsement of a terror group (Antifa). They've deleted the Tweet but the damage is done.

My advice to China and my Chinese friends: don't follow your leaders down the road of nationalism. Don't become another Nazi Germany. Speak out now before it is too late. Kudos to the people of Hong Kong. Fight for your freedom to speak and voice your thoughts. Open, unsuppressed dialog is what a healthy society needs. Or die suppressed and without freedom, entangled in wars you did not truly want nor need. The choice is yours.

(And the same counts for us in the west. Don't give in to terror groups like Antifa hiding behind leftist slogans of Antifascism. They are the fascists. And the UN should be ashamed of itself.)

This year will be the year we all edge extremely close to a "big war". Maybe 2021. Who knows. But we all can feel it's coming. So speak out now while we all still can influence our collective future.

Anonymous said...

PS looking at the map it feels Japan's claim is not right. I'm sure they too have an old claim or an old map but it's clearly much closer to China. I also don't support the UK's claim for the Falklsnd islands near Argentina (hope I'm not mixing up the names). Anything that far from your home territory should be handed back to the original owners. I'm sure there are special circumstances like Brits who live on that island. But they should've never moved there imo. I might be wrong, I admit that happily but it just feels wrong looking at it, admittingly superficially.

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