Friday, June 12, 2020

Joint Chiefs Chairman General Milley Discussed Resigning Over His Presence With President Trump At The Firebombed St. John's Church

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in President Trump's walk to St. John's church - he's seen above in his military fatigues behind the president

Daily Mail: Chairman of joint chiefs discussed resigning in wake of being part of infamous Donald Trump photo op which he apologized for being at

* Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in Trump walk to St. John's church
* Millary was among top officials who accompanied Trump for a photo-op
* He was wearing his combat fatigues and was seen in photographed and live TV coverage of the June 1 walk
* The decision to use police and military force to clear Lafayette Square of protesters minutes before caused an uproar
* Comes after a series of former top military officials including Gen. George Mattis blasted the photo-op and warned against politicizing the military
* Also comes a day after Trump said he would refuse any effort to rename U.S. military bases named after confederate generals

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in President Donald Trump's now infamous photo-op at St. John's Episcopal Church.

Milley, the nation's highest ranked military officer, apologized Thursday for his decision to accompany Trump on the president's walk from the White House, across Lafayette Square - which law enforcement officials used chemical agents and rubber bullets to clear of protesters - to the church, where Trump brandished a bible for the cameras.

Read more ....

Update: Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley discussed resigning over role in Trump's church photo op -- NBC

WNU Editor: As of this writing Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has not denied these reports. For a man in his position, you do not talk about resigning, you resign.


Anonymous said...

What a prima donna.

Anonymous said...

Milley Vanilley

Anonymous said...

Milley has no combat experience and it shows.

RussInSoCal said...

The threat of no more Flag Club cocktail hour/cigar smoke poker games will bring any career mil bureaucrat into the carefully coordinated quasi-coup against the evil orange man.

Anonymous said...

It's quite clear from the likes of Mattis, Petraeus, Milley, Mullen, McRaven, and all the other uniform bureaucrats that they think they can be President better and that everybody in the media will cheerlead them.

Jac said...

Good buy Milley. Enjoy your shame and, promise, we shall forget you.

Anonymous said...

Trump tried to show strength.

It only caused anger because of the actions needed to take in order to show that strength.

It really does boil down to the optics of it all. And that is important in politics.

Anonymous said...

Operational deployments

Milley has deployed for various military operations, including:

Multinational Force and Observers, Sinai, Egypt
Operation Just Cause, Panama
Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti
Operation Joint Endeavor, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq
Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan

Anonymous said...


You made my points. Don;t you think I didn't look, at Wikipedia and see Iraq and Afghanistan there?

I saw Bosnia there, too. When did we hit the beaches at Bosnia. That was an air war where we pounded the snot out of the Serbs and then occupied Bosnia.

Bullets were flying in Haiti, too. 3 or 4 state national guard could have handled Haiti. Show enough force, guard the NGOs bringing food ...

Can you show me where Milley was in a shooting conflict as a JO and not a mid-level or upper-level Officer at HQ? Colen Powell can do that. Can Milley?

Anonymous said...

3:25 and everybody


The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.

Saint Johns Episcopal Church, 1525 H St., Washington DC.


Walking time 3 min.

What message does it send to the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Suebi, Asding Vandals, Siling Vandals, Alans, Huns, Franks, Burgandians, Rugians, Lombards, Alemanni, Frisians, Persians and North Koreans if from Capilotine Hill, you see the Forum burning and you do nothing about it?

Why do you suppose that the North Koreans cut off phone contact with South Korea and then followed up with a statement saying talking to the US is over? Coincidence that it coincides with liberal NGO planned riots?

Presidential Election Years: Civil Unrest

2012: Occupy
2016: BLM

Why would Xi, Putin, Maduro, Khamaeini, or Kim Jong Un talk to the US? They might wait to see how many more CHAZ's pop up and how many Democrat governors and mayors do nothing. My bet is on Chicago before Houston. It has the useless Democrat Lesbian Mayor/ useless Democrat Governor combo.

On another note, what message does it send to the American public that many media outlets will assert tear gas was used when it was pepper balls? The proper one. The NYT will go out of business in a decade and be sold like Newsweek for a pittance. The Sulzbergers will just be more trust find kids running down their inheritance because they would not stand up to know nothing cry-bullies in the news room.

Fun Fact: Those guys at the Michigan state capital did not shoot cops, torch buildings or murder people. The liberals are doing that now and for the last 3 weeks.

Anonymous said...

This is a very pathetic list.

Anonymous said...

Enduring Freedom was not a win on the ground. It did stop their mo mo.

Iraqi Freedom was a win Saddam gone. Qadaffi gave up. Two-fer.

Joint Endeavor was a liberal mistake. Muslims were committing atrocities too. The Serbs got the upper hand and started doing it bigger. Liberals do not talk of Muslim atrocities. It hurts their narrative. Time line are important in tit for tat. Also, If they had wanted to nip it in the bud they could have sent negotiators and offshore force when Slovenia seceded or right before or during the Croatian-Serbian War. Instead they got popcorn and opined Europeans were just like Africans. They had 2 or 3 years to solve things before it became an all out 3 way war. But there were blow jobs to be had.

Just Cause: Cry for you narco-dictator, if you must.

Multinational Force and Observers, Sinai, Egypt. This was required for the Camp David Accords. This has been dangerous in the last 2 decades. The UN allows its people to be taken hostage or used.