Saturday, June 20, 2020

Majority Of U.S. Voters Believe Biden Is In The Early Stages Of Dementia

Zogby Analytics: The Zogby Poll®: A majority of voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia; 60% of younger voters think so; Swing voters less likely to think Biden has dementia

A majority (55%) of likely voters surveyed thought it was more likely (much more and somewhat more likely combined) that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45% thought it was less likely (much less and somewhat less likely combined). Overall, subgroups who normally approve of Trump's job as president, were the most likely to believe Biden could be suffering from dementia. Thus, majorities of Republicans (77% more likely/23% less likely) and Independents (56% more likely/44% less likely) thought Joe Biden had early-onset dementia; while nearly a third of Democrats (32% more likely/68% less likely) thought this was the case

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WNU Editor: Hmmmm .... Zogby is a Democrat-friendly pollster. So who commissioned the poll? Why did Zogby conduct & publicize it? You have to wonder if some in the Dem. camp  are now moving against Biden?


Anonymous said...

FiveThirtyEight...about as statistically accurate as it gets, rates Zogby GOP leaning and rates it C+ for accuracy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:20. Lie about Zogby. Zogby is the new kid on the block and he is from the Middle East. He has to prove himself.

Five Thirty Eight has expanded beyond the founder. The Founder's creation has also been bought by a corporation. I would leery to expect the same work quality. In fact in the last month 538 put out a quick, dirty and wrong work product. Nate Silver does not produce everything that appears on 538 anymore.

DocinPA said...

The Trump campaign just put out a brutal new ad pointing out BadFinger Joe's cognitive difficulties. This sis going to be a campaign for the ages.

Anonymous said...

538 owned by ABC, which is owned by Disney

Overall, we rate FiveThirtyEight (538) Left-Center Biased based on story selection that slightly favors the left, but does not favor the progressive left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information, a solid record with poll analysis and a clean fact check record.

Anonymous said...

You're losing.

Anonymous said...

you are boring now and before and right after this

Anonymous said...

It has been reported that President Trump has Frontotemporal Dementia. Look it up. That's why he stands funny, has an awkward gait, problems with balance or movements ,repetitive, inability to concentrate or plan, among other symptoms of that disease.

Anonymous said...

The entire United States is suffering from dementia

Anonymous said...

You're still losing.

Anonymous said...

if that is what the majorithy think, then Trump will win and nothing more needed
you are still boring, asswipe

Anonymous said...

Still losing.

Anonymous said...

You are really trying hard 12:56. Still throwing shit up against the wall to see if it will stick.

Your guy Biden cannot go 5 or 10 minutes with out being physically fatigued and losing his train of though several times.

Keep on gaslighting.

Jac said...

Biden, please don't give up! You are the perfect clown for Trump in November. Still, the best would be to take an very extreme left wing as a running mate.