Thursday, June 25, 2020

North Korea Believes It Can Win A Second War

North Korean special forces, armed with modified AK rifles fitted with what are believed to be high-capacity magazines, parade through Pyongyang. Photo: AFP

Andrew Salmon, Asia Times: Nightmare scenarios: How Korean War 2 could ignite

Resumption of the 1950-53 conflict is more likely by accident than design - but North Korea believes it can win

Thursday, June 25, 2020, marks the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of one of the world’s cruelest and deadliest post-war conflicts, the Korean War.

In South Korea, there were no parades and little flag waving, for June 25 is a tragic date that does not merit celebration. It marks the 1950 North Korean invasion that initiated a vortex of carnage which would suck in troops from across the world, including the US and China, and leave the peninsula scattered with perhaps two million corpses

Today,147 sets of South Korean war remains returned from DNA testing at a US base in Hawaii to a ceremony attended by President Moon Jae-in. Veterans visited cemeteries, and museums held special exhibitions.

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WNU Editor: The North Koreans are not the only ones who believe they can decisively win the next war. One of the most disturbing trends that I have seen in the past five years is the belief among many in China's elite that they can win in a war against the U.S.. Nothing can be further from the truth.


Anonymous said...

I think we're heading towards war in the near future, either internal or external, if we maintain our current trajectory. Usually memories of previous conflicts deters people from wanting conflict. But you get the feeling that people are overly confident on the outcomes and consequences of conflict, and seemingly prefer that over peaceful discourse.

Jac said...

When the elite dictatorship feel it is losing the domestic trust, the natural mind escape is to have it back from an external victory. The worse part is this elite is believing, years after years, its own propaganda of superiority on other's. Nothing can stop a state of mind of war, even a risky one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah even 5-10 years ago, 2020 was the stage for a new conflict. Its the year where alot of new developments are in operational status. As horrible as it seems, i don't think we can operate with China on this planet. Another 10-20 years and conflict would have much greater destruction.

They have made their choice, 70+ years of growth and they continue to peruse death, weapons and slavery. They could be such a great nation, but have chosen a path of confrontation, of global power and control. China does not want a symbiotic relationship, they want to be belligerent, drag their foot, act in their own selfish interests and completely disregard global norms.

If we do nothing in the year 2020, the year 2040 will be the death of the world.

Unknown said...

Oh I dunno. The reds will thump the west big time. All of the west's politicians are very effeminate. Except Trump & Merkle. Keep ducking 🙉