Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Oil Tankers Turn Away From Venezuela As More Sanctions Loom

The Iranian tanker 'Fortune' iat El Palito refinery dock in Venezuela. © Reuters / Miraflores Palace

Reuters: Exclusive: Oil tankers turn away from Venezuela as more sanctions loom

MEXICO CITY/LONDON (Reuters) - Oil tankers that were sailing toward Venezuela have turned around and others have left the country’s waters as the United States considers blacklisting dozens of ships for transporting Venezuelan oil, according to shipping data and industry sources.

The threat of tighter sanctions is already disrupting the global shipping market. Chinese oil firms are considering whether to decline to charter any tanker that has visited Venezuela in the past year, no matter where the ship is now or for what voyage, four shipping sources told Reuters on Tuesday.

Washington is seeking to oust the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro by choking the oil exports that provide its main source of income. The measures have contributed to a fall in Venezuelan oil exports to a 17-year low and deepened the country’s economic crisis, but Maduro has held on - to the frustration of U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration.

Read more ....

Update #1: US sets plan to expand sanctions against tankers (FOX News/WSJ)
Update #2: U.S. Set to Sanction Dozens of Tankers Over Venezuela-Iran Oil Trade (GCaptain/Bloomberg)

WNU Editor: It looks like some Chinese companies are getting the message .... Chinese firms may halt use of oil tankers that visited Venezuela (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to see Maduro give up power, I'm a bit dissatisfied with the sanction idea. If Maduro is spreading havoc such as Iran with it's militias in the Mid East, fine and dandy. But what is the terribly weakened Venezuala doing in South America?
What worries me is this countries' debt level and international standing. If we aren't strong economically, what are our alternatives should real problems suddenly pop up?
The sanctions have worked well in the past as far as I know, but for how long in the future? We've been using them for some time now.

Anonymous said...

But what is the terribly weakened Venezuala doing in South America?

- Venezuela is still running drugs.

- It is still supporting terrorist groups that are destabilizing Columbia.

When Columbia found proof that Venezuela and Ecuador were supporting the Terror groups, then Ecuadorian president Correa got all huffy. His complaint was that it was unfair because Columbian special forces went 1 mile into Ecuador to to attack the terror group and find the proof/documents.

His complaint was not that proof was found but how it was found.

Anonymous said...

Veneauela is a narco state on top of being a rogue regime.

It is being propped up by drug money, (blood) gold mining, and the troika (Russia, China and Iran).

If we are worried with a war with China in 10 years. Should not we take out their ally Venezuela (Romania 1940?) ?

Or should we wait until they have 10 more such allies and scream "Wir Schaffen Das!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the replies, posters.

Unknown said...

SEO Dubai
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Unknown said...

SEO Dubai
SEO Dubai
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SEO Dubai