Wednesday, June 10, 2020

President Trump’s Infectious Disease Expert Says Pandemic Is 'Not Close To Over Yet'

President Trump’s infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a grim assessment of the coronavirus Tuesday, calling the ongoing pandemic his ‘worst nightmare’ and insisting the fight against its spread is far from over

Daily Mail: Dr Fauci admits coronavirus has become his 'worst nightmare' and 'it is not close to over yet' as infections near 2 million in the US with more than 110,000 dead

* President Trump’s infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a grim assessment of the coronavirus Tuesday
* He called the ongoing pandemic his ‘worst nightmare’ and insisted the fight against its spread is far from over
* The White House advisor said although he knew it was possible for an outbreak like this could occur, he was surprised by how ‘rapidly he took over the planet’
* He said the coronavirus is far more complicated than HIV – a disease he has dedicated his career studying – because of its varying degrees of severity
* Fauci added that vaccines will be the only way to completely curb the coronavirus’ spread, however he did voice confidence one would be found soon

President Trump’s infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a grim assessment of the coronavirus Tuesday, calling the ongoing pandemic his ‘worst nightmare’ and insisting the fight against its spread is far from over.

The bleak admission from Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, comes as states across the US continue with their gradual reopening efforts amid widespread protests over the police killing of George Floyd.

‘In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world,’ Fauci said of COVID-19 during a virtual appearance at a Biotechnology Innovation Organization conference. ‘And it isn’t over yet.’

As of Tuesday, confirmed coronavirus cases in the US are heading towards two million and more than 111,000 have died.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He is unfortunately right. People are still getting sick, and many are still dying. This disease is going to be with us for a long time.

Update: More evidence is emerging that this virus has been engineered in a lab .... COVID-19 virus has properties that have never been found in nature before (WION).


Anonymous said...

3 more deaths in the local area.

- A 90 year old woman
- Two 80 year old men who were in a long term care facility.

What is there to be scared of?

A lot actually Antifa, BLM, Democrat leaders, parrots.

Utah went all-in on an unproven Covid-19 treatment, then scrambled to course-correct

Widely-Touted Study Warning of Hydroxychloroquine Complications Under Scrutiny for Faking Data

Lancet, NEJM retract controversial COVID-19 studies based on Surgisphere data

Which headline is right?

People in Surgisphere have had their association with the University of Utah ended. That speaks volumes. Sloppy method would not get them fired, when nearly whole MSM, political establishment and others are against chloroquinine.

No money to be made on chloroquinine.

For people who have conditions that contraindicate the use of chloroquinine, of course you use another drug.

Point is for the most part the therapy for this virus is cheap for the majority of people.

This is a real disease that i has been blown up into a a crisis.

B.Poster said...

"worst nightmare..." Fauci speaks with a forked tongue. In other words he lies. When he first started yapping about this in mid February and implemented the shutdowns, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. He enjoys fear mongering. Maybe he hopes he's going to get the same glory from it this time around. If this really is more complicated than HIV, there'll never be a vaccine and as a recent study admitted had the "lockdowns" not been implemented we would nearly be out of this by now!!

I think TX where I live will only implement lockdowns in areas where a local hospital system is at risk of being overwhelmed. Then it would be lifted immediately after the crisis is averted. As hospital systems are built to handle emergencies I don't think we will all the unscrupulous to shake us down again. Basically its going to have to run it course.

The latest fear mongering tactic is that due to the riots testing centers were closed. While this would be the case, other facilities such as hospitals and doctor offices in adjacent areas can and will still offer testing. As such, the effect of this on testing would be minimal but it does provide a great excuse for fear mongering.

Now, if they were really worried about this, they could have called on the police to use extreme force to get protestors off the street and could have insisted that Trump invoke the insurrection act to assist. While some of Fauci's power may be diminished, he still remains VERY powerful. If this really were his worst nightmare he could have gotten on tv, the internet, radio, and elsewhere voicing his concerns and suggesting the police and military do everything possible to break up the protests and break up the crowds. He remained silent. The mask is off. No pun intended. They never acted like they thought it was a real threat. Now they are exposed. This is little more than a naked power grab.

Anon (1:16(,

Spot on. HCQ appears to have real benefit but without money to made or power to be had the "experts" aren't interested combined with the hysterical over the top push to slam it gives them away. As Shakespeare pointed out "thou doest protest much." As it is a real disease, take sensible precautions. Encourage those most at risk to self quarantine. Let the rest get on with life.

Anonymous said...

Chlorquinine will work as a therapeutic. It is not a cure all.

If you have a decent doctor, the doctor will not give you the drug, if it is contraindicated. If you have an affirmative action doctor, what can I say...



past tense: contraindicated; past participle: contraindicated
(of a condition or circumstance) suggest or indicate that (a particular technique or drug) should not be used in the case in question

Jeffsmith said...

Is that a super Mario pipe behind his head.😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

That is some photo!