Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Retired Generals Who Just Have To Play Politics

President Trump attends a briefing from his senior military leaders, including then-Defense Secretary James Mattis (left), in the Cabinet Room at the White House, October 23, 2018. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Victor Davis Hanson, National Review: Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders

In a time of crisis, their synchronized chorus of complaints, falsehoods, and partisan appeals to resistance threaten the very constitutional order they claim to revere.

Sometimes retired generals are deified. Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower won two presidential terms in landslide elections.

At other moments, war heroes such Generals Douglas MacArthur and Curtis LeMay were vilified as near insurrectionaries for their blistering attacks on sitting presidents.

In such a climate, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which became effective law in May 1951, prohibits active generals from disparaging their commander in chief — in the way perhaps MacArthur had bitterly pilloried then-president Harry Truman over the Korean War. Article 88 of the UCMJ makes it a crime to voice “contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State.”

But no one quite knows, and debate continues over, whether such codified prohibitions on free expression apply to retired generals receiving military pensions. Yet, given the spate of recent “contemptuous words against the President” leveled from retired generals, it seems that few worry about regulation AR 27-10 of the code: “Retired members of a regular component of the Armed Forces who are entitled to pay are subject to the UCMJ. (See Art. 2(a)(4), UCMJ.) They may be tried by courts-martial for offenses committed while in a retired status.”

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WNU Editor: As I had mentioned in this post .... Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Compares Donald Trump To NAZIS And Violating The U.S. Constitution (June 3, 2020). Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis lost me with the Nazi reference.


Anonymous said...

Colin Powell

Good quote
'As soon as they tell me military intervention is limited, it means they do not care whether you achieve a result or not,'

Bad Quote
"We do deserts, we don't do mountains."

Seems to me that the Romans, Persians, Arabs , Turks, & Russians have all invaded mountain kingdoms like American and Georgia and dominated.

What is next? Colin Powell will not do heavily wooded hills, but will do lightly wooded ones?

Powell was promoted above his skill level or above his work ethic.

Powell is anti-Trump. Was he ever going to vote for Trump or any Republican?

He did not vote for Mitten or McCain.

Has Powell ever voted for a Republican.

His name was considered at least among pundits if not among really big politicos for presidential nominee around 2006 to 2008. But he did not step up, but remained in the bushes sniping. Not a stand up guy.

Anonymous said...

"Armenia" not "American"

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