Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Russia Tells The U.S. To Leave Syria And Deal With Your Problems Back Home

Zero Hedge: Russia Demands US "Leave Syria & Deal With Your Own Problems" Amid Protests

Recall that last month, shortly before George Floyd protests plunged a number of American cities into unrest and chaos which witnessed often violent confrontations between demonstrators and police, a top US envoy for Syria policy boasted "my job is to make Syria a quagmire for the Russians."

But in the wake of the raging protests, which last week created a bit of a crisis for the White House as it mulled "action" against the worsening security situation on the Capitol, Russia has gone on the offensive, demanding that US forces get out of Syria in order to handle America's own mess at home.

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WNU Editor: Russia has a point. But the U.S. is not going to leave Syria anytime soon.


B.Poster said...

Point or not we should leave Syria. There's no national interests there. Nothing to gain, no upside potebtual potential, and it has huge downside risks. This is actually an excellent opportunity for us to do what we should've done long ago.

What is the upside to making Syria a "quagmire" for Russia? Such a reckless policy risks further confrontation with Russia and even if we "win" we gain nothing of value. This is a confrontation we nay nor be able to win, we can't readily afford it, and even if we "win" there's nothing of value. It's time to end Cold War 2.

Anonymous said...

We have national interest in Syria.

Bashir Assad fucked with us. He aided and abetted jihadis transiting through Syria into Iraq.
On a side note the ISIS jihadis were blowback due to Syria's support. Blowback just doesn't happen only to the US. It happens to other countries like Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. Back to the point. You cannot let other countries large or small, mess with you, or bleed you etc. You cannot go after them all or all at once, but you need to go after some of them at least to set an example. Syria's conduct has been egregious enough to warrant TLC.

A democratic Middle east in theory should be in the US's national interest. If the Kurds were to gain full rights/sovereignty. It might just goes aways to making that happen. An independent Kurdistan in no way precludes Russia form having a base in Latakia. In fact it might assists it.

The US is exporting oil. It does not need Syrian oil. For that matter America does not need Syria as a customer. For some reason the Syrians did not listen to Bloomberg. He said being a farmer is easy.

“I could teach anybody … to be a farmer. … You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.” - Bloomberg 2016.

Bloomberg has not been to Syria to teach Syrians to be farmers. Has he been to New England? They have some of the same problems.

There is no point in trying to make the Kurds sovereign, giving all the oil fields to Assad and letting the Kurds suffer economically.

Maybe Russia is the country that does not belong in Syria. They are backed by Assad, who is as legitimate as Mugabe was in his country.

Anonymous said...

Turned our backs on the Syrian kurds. Not sure why we are still guarding the oil fields. I am pro Kurdistan though.

Anonymous said...

Our relationship with the Kurds could be better.

But who is taking up their cause?

Saudi Arabia?

To do something like that costs blood and treasure and this political capital. Looks like DJT has a full plate already. They have a full court press going since 2016.

How much time and energy are you or can you send arguing that Turkey is a dangerous ethno state when some guy with a worthless PhD is going to 'fact' check you on Twitter? Or the dangers of an ethno state like Turkey or NAZI Germany?

Anonymous said...

Плакат у тебя, блин, троллинг кусок дерьма. Конечно, вы принимаете путинскую линию навязывать дерьмо нации России в этом районе. Почему бы не диктатору Путнину позвонить своему парню Трампу и сказать ему отвалить?

Anonymous said...

Плакат у тебя, блин, троллинг кусок дерьма. Конечно, вы принимаете путинскую линию навязывать дерьмо нации России в этом районе. Почему бы не диктатору Путнину позвонить своему парню Трампу и сказать ему отвалить?

You have a poster, damn it, trolling a piece of shit. Of course, you accept Putin’s line to impose shit on the Russian nation in the area. Why not dictator Putnin call his boyfriend Trump and tell him to dump?

7:44. Keep trolling. We need comic relief.

Unknown said...

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