Friday, June 12, 2020

Russian President Putin Makes First Public Appearance In Weeks

BBC: Putin makes first public appearance in weeks of lockdown in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his first public appearance in weeks of coronavirus lockdown to celebrate the country's national day.

He used the Russia Day holiday to promote a controversial reform of the constitution which could keep him in office until 2036.

Mr Putin, 67, has dominated Russia for the past 20 years whether as president or prime minister.

Moscow lifted lockdown curbs this week despite a huge number of infections.

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Update #1: Putin Awards Medals In First Public Event Since Lockdown Began (RFE)
Update #2: Russia's Putin reappears in public after spending more than 2 months in lockdown (FOX News)

WNU Editor: I understand he did what almost every Russian has been doing since the end of March. Staying holed up in your home. And while they are removing restrictions, the pandemic is still very active in Russia .... Russia reports 8,987 new coronavirus infection cases (Reuters).