Monday, June 15, 2020

Russian President Putin Says Riots And Pandemic In The U.S. Reflect A ‘Deep Domestic Crises’

Russian President Putin. Sputnik

CNBC: Putin says U.S. coronavirus pandemic and protests reflect ‘deep domestic crises’

* President Putin said the Covid-19 pandemic had “shone a spotlight” on issues in the country, adding that the protests for racial equality and against police brutality were the result of an internal crisis.
* He criticized scenes of destruction and looting seen during some protests.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has connected the U.S.′ handling of the coronavirus crisis with the widespread civil unrest and anti-racism protests in the country, according to Russian media reports.

Putin said the Covid-19 pandemic had “shone a spotlight” on issues in the country, adding that the protests for racial equality and against police brutality were the result of an internal crisis. However, he criticized scenes of destruction and looting seen during some protests.

“What has happened (in the U.S.) is the manifestation of some deep domestic crises,” Putin said, according to Tass news agency, which covered an interview with the president on state-run TV channel Rossiya-1 TV on Sunday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Once in a while I am on a radio station in Moscow with a panel discussing international affairs, and the unrest in the U.S. was a topic that was discussed last week. I was on it, and I had to remind my panel that yes, there are problems in the U.S., but the vast majority of Americans do not riot, are not protesting, and do not share the values of those who are.

More News On Russian President Putin's Remarks On The Ongoing Unrest In The U.S.

Putin says riots following George Floyd killing symptom of deep-rooted crisis in America -- TASS
Putin says George Floyd protests reveal deep-seated internal crises in US -- RT
US Protests, Hypersonic Weapons, COVID-19 and Constitution: Putin Comments on Hot Topics -- Sputnik
Putin Says U.S. Is in ‘Deep Internal Crisis’ -- NYT
Putin: Protests and coronavirus show U.S. ‘internal crises’ -- Politico


Anonymous said...

Democrat leaders do share the values of the rioters.

For instance the Seattle Mayor a deeply disturbed and unhappy person called called CHAZ like 'The Summer of Love.'

The rioters are in fact the shock troops of the Democrat Party.

Far Left Lawyer who Torched NYPD Vehicle During Riots Was Intern for Soros-funded anti-Israel Group

Who bailed the liberal out? A government worker working in DOJ or Dept. of State. They share the same values. That government worker is a registered Democrat with a phat pay check.

College professor are for this, but if and only if it succeeds.

Anonymous said...

Warlord “Raz from CHAZ” Caught on Video Handing Out AR15s to Random Young Activists

"Private party firearm transfers must be conducted through a licensed dealer, who is required by federal law to conduct a background check and keep a record of the sale, unless one of the specifically enumerated exceptions in RCW 9.41.113.[29]"

Overthrow of the government and.or, stealing property must be one of the enumerated exception according to Mayor Durkin

Normally, if someone was handing out AR15s like cotton candy, the liberals would be horrified. But since these are Democrat Party thugs, they do not care.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Manhattan Judge Releases Violent Looter who Beat the Hell out of NYPD Cop

"Laurie Peterson is a judge of the New York City Criminal Court in New York. She was appointed to this position by Mayor Bill de Blasio in January 2015, and her current term expires in 2024. She has also served on the New York City Civil Court.[1][2][3]"

De Blasio is a Democrat Party member and a communist. He appointed a like minded person in Laurie Peterson.

This is part and parcel of the Democrat Party to take over and install one party rule. George Orwell knew these people to a t. These are authoritarian fascists/The Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...


If you have something intelligent to say, then say it.

However, name calling is very becoming of you.

Question is did you never grow up or are you regressed?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

De Blasio Orders Contact Tracers Not to Ask if COVID-Positive People Went to Protests>

Hiding Information the Democrat Way.

Anonymous said...


Go look up some more NSFW pictures. It is all you are good for.

Anonymous said...

CHUDS. Ha! Sorry the glue didn't work on your broken record. I note two attempts at something, 2:51, 3:22 PM.

Deep dude. Deep. And tiring, I'll bet. Grab your teddy bear and go nappy. Remember... a rested brain is an active brain.

Anonymous said...

Maxine Waters - Democrat- literally, and on several occasions, called for the formation of mobs, for the harassment of anyone who doesn't agree with her, she called for the intimidation of Republicans. If she doesn't resign in disgrace while cops are killed, mobs roam the streets and buildings burn. You cannot have politicians that incite riots and mobs. She did so as early as two years ago. All on record. Google her. Vote her out. She is directly responsible for this lack of dialog. How can you have dialog if women like her call for the intimidation of people? For the harassment? Many, many republicans were shamed for wearing a cap. Beaten. Intimidated. Fired from their jobs. Silenced. For years. She has to go. Same with Hillary Clinton, another extremist woman in the Democrat party. She called for an end to civility until they are back in power. And she did that because of the media push and exposure (positive spin from CNN for the formation of mobs, for the beating of republicans-for years!). Miss Clinton wanted exposure too and noticed she was sidelined. The cool new thing was being extreme and to form mobs and beat up republicans and call them racist and intimidate them. So she jumped on it, the spineless figure she is, instead of condemning what Maxine Waters said, she doubled down on it. More beatings. Cancel culture and Antifa rising. Silicon valley suppressing republican opinion. Marches to always believe"her" (you know, women like Waters,Warren and Clinton), and calls for and end to due process.

Women on the left are ugly and wicked. There, I've said it. Women on the right are hot, intelligent and bear arms. And they know the difference between a joke and sexism. Between a man and a late supping, spineless leftie that marches to get pussy even if it means ending due process. Even if it means suppression of votes. Burning buildings. Killing cops. Mobs.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Chuds
You're back and with your god persona. It must be wonderful to be you.

Anonymous said...

Mt Chuds and Soros have a lot in common, a lot.

For started both have a god personna.

Poor students.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on a little more imagination!