Thursday, June 18, 2020

Satellite Image Shows 100 New Naval Vessels For The IRGC Navy

99 boats, minisubs and flying boats were on static display. The XLUUV was also shown. H I Sutton (Includes material © CNES 2020 / PLEIADES satellite imagery | Acquired through ShadowBreak Intl)

Forbes: Satellite Image Shows 100 New Naval Vessels In Iran

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Navy (IRGC-N) announced that it had received 112 new fast attack boats on May 28. Using satellite images, and poring over photographs of a parade that unveiled them, I have been counting and identify what they got.

The first observation is that there were possibly only 100 vessels on display. At least there were only 99 on the parade ground, plus one more in the water (the XLUUV, see below).

The craft included 9 missile boats. These were made up of four Kashdom Chinese-designed ‘C-14’ catamarans and one North Korean-derived ‘Zolfa qhar,’ plus four of a new type. The new model is very similar to the Zolfaqhar but smaller in every respect. All of these types carry light anti-ship missiles and are much smaller than the equivalent boats in other countries. This emphasizes swarm tactics and action against civilian targets such as tankers.

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WNU Editor:  That is a lot of new fast attack boats.