Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Study Says Lockdowns Saved More Than Three Million Lives From The Coronavirus In Europe

James Gallagher, BBC: Coronavirus: Lockdowns in Europe saved millions of lives

Lockdowns have saved more than three million lives from coronavirus in Europe, a study estimates.

The team at Imperial College London said the "death toll would have been huge" without lockdown.

But they warned that only a small proportion of people had been infected and we were still only "at the beginning of the pandemic".

Another study argued global lockdowns had "saved more lives, in a shorter period of time, than ever before".

The Imperial study assessed the impact of restrictions in 11 European countries - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK - up to the beginning of May.

By that time, around 130,000 people had died from coronavirus in those countries.

Read more ....

More News On A UK Study That Says Lockdowns Saved More Than Three Million Lives From The Coronavirus In Europe

Lockdowns worked, new research finds. Scientists estimate coronavirus measures stopped at least 60 million infections in the US and 3 million deaths in Europe. -- Business Insider
Covid-19 lockdowns saved millions of lives and easing curbs risky, studies find -- France 24
Lockdowns saved many lives and easing them is risky, say scientists -- Reuters
Coronavirus lockdowns may have prevented at least 3MILLION deaths in Europe and almost 500,000 in the UK, study suggests -- Daily Mail
Study: Coronavirus Lockdowns Saved 3 Million Lives In Europe [Infographic] -- Forbes
Lockdowns may have prevented more than 3 million deaths in Europe -- MIT Technology Review


Unknown said...

Soon to be undone by the air heads rioting with their BLM brothers. Let's hope that the people they kill are relegated to their own families. Keep ducking 🖖😎

copley7 said...

I am sure these numbers are as accurate as the predicted 2.2 million dead in the USA. That number is only slightly higher than the 110,000 dead in the USA as of today. Maybe Fauci can update as to the discrepancies in the predicted versus the actual.

B.Poster said...

The fearmongers and those who profit on the backs of the suffering of others just won't stop. The article has several dubious assumptions. 1.) They assume nobody would have changed their behavior in response to the Covid threat without a lockdown - and that hospitals would not be overwhelmed resulting in a surge in deaths, which nearly happened in some countries. First of all if/when a pathogen is ripping through people will change their behavior because they wish to survive. Obvious ways would be to take steps to protect the most vulnerable. Also, instances where hospital systems were going to be overwhelmed was/will be exceedingly rare. This was/is little more than a shakedown by unscrupulous people looking to siphon resources and profit at the expense of others. Sure, it can happen, a bit like getting struck by lightning. Health care systems are built to handle the unexpected. Shakedowns by unscrupulous people aren't necessary.

"The study does not take into account the health consequences of lockdowns that may take years to uncover." This is also bs. Researchers who study the extreme stress of this on many and the poverty it is bound to leave in it wake can easily figure this out. I've seen many of these health effects both directly and indirectly. The death toll will easily exceed what Covid would have caused if we did nothing. The same applies for the financial costs as well. Perhaps, in America at least, some of this can be mitigated to a large degree. Americans are proving far more resilient than I think any of the policy makers would have expected.

"Only the beginning?"

"The model also predicts the outbreak would be nearly over by now without the lockdown, as so many people would have been infected...." This would have led to herd immunity. So, essentially according to them we've really accomplished nothing by these "lockdowns" thus far and had we have done NOTHING they are adimitting we'd be nearly out of it now!! That is we have accomplished nothing unless we continue to cow tow to their every whims.

Ultimately the disease will have to run its course. With that said I've been skeptical from the start that this disease poses anything near the threat that the "experts" and these government officals are telling us it does. Thus far I haven't seen any of these "experts" including the ones who conducted this study or government officials make ANY sacrifices themselves that would be consistent with this being such a dire threat. Essentially they have been extremely quick and very enthusiastic to place burdens on people and expect them to make sacrifices that none of these "experts" or government officials will ever carry or make. As such, its hard to take these people seriously as any kind of moral authorities.

With that said we do have to plan accordingly based upon what they are doing. I don't think TX is going to issue lockdowns again unless a local hospital system is at risk of being overwhelmed. There are some "hot spots" in the northern part of the state that some officials are concerned about but for the most part this is NOT a threat nor is it likely to be. I generally cannot speak for other states. They all seem to approach this differently.

Anonymous said...

Wnu , i am amazed at you still pedalling establishment lies which after couple of days they will start back-pedalling

Jac said...

If you ear the French Tass Agency they save, at least, 20 billions people....

Unknown said...


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Unknown said...

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