Thursday, June 4, 2020

Tens Of Thousands Defy Ban To Attend Tiananmen Vigil

BBC: Hong Kong: Tens of thousands defy ban to attend Tiananmen vigil

Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Hong Kong have defied a ban to stage a mass vigil for the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown in Beijing.

Officers erected barricades around the city's Victoria Park, but some pro-democracy protesters knocked them down and held candlelit gatherings.

Police banned the vigil this year, citing coronavirus measures.

Earlier, lawmakers approved a controversial bill making it a crime to insult China's national anthem.

Ahead of the vote, two legislators were taken away by security guards after throwing a foul-smelling liquid on to the chamber floor.

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Update #1: Defiant Hongkongers Commemorate Tiananmen Square Massacre Despite Ban -- Time
Update #2: Hong Kong marks Tiananmen massacre for what many fear will be the last time -- CNN

WNU Editor: The Hong Kong government is making it clear. Memorials will not be tolerated .... Pepper spray fired during Tiananmen Square memorial in Hong Kong (The Hill)


Anonymous said...

These are truly brave people!

Jac said...

Anon 3:23,
Yes, they are, and may be more than us.