Tuesday, June 16, 2020

This Is Why 'Black Lives Matters' Is Getting Everything That It Wants

Rasmussen: Popularity of Black Lives Matter Jumps to 62%

The popularity of the Black Lives Matter movement has climbed dramatically after several days of protest following the police killing of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of Black Lives Matter, with 32% who share a Very Favorable one. This compares to 37% and 13% respectively the last time we asked this question four years ago.

Thirty-one percent (31%) still view the organization unfavorably, including 16% with a Very Unfavorable view. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If this poll is accurate and BLM was a political movement/party, it would be the most popular political party in the U.S. right now. No wonder many politicians are bowing to this group, and caving in to their demands. Case in point. After BLM demanded New York City de-fund its police force, they responded today .... NYPD Commissioner announces plain-clothes anti-crime unit will be eliminated as part of shift toward 'neighborhood policing' (Daily Mail). Now that is power.


Anonymous said...

People agree with BLM in principle not to their list of demands. They have not read them.

We are going to get the Freddie Gray bump nationwide in black murders for the next 2 years. Many more black people are going to murdered by other black people. Race relations will get worse between Hispanics and Blacks.

The police officer in Atlanta did not want to touch Rayshard simply, because he was black. That is proof of Black skin privilege and Fuck it Drive on (FIDO).

The next Rayshard will not be apprehended by police for DUI. He will wake up, start driving and crash into other black people.

The problem is some white chic won't be able to get her liberal ya-yas off by torching Burger King.

Has one af-ing reporter investigated as to who owned or ran the Burger King?



"His Dallas-based company, Sun Holdings LLC, is doubling in size this year to nearly 400 stores, including 96 Burger Kings that he recently acquired in the Orlando-Daytona market and more than 50 Arby's in Dallas, representing 99 percent and 100 percent of those markets, respectively.

The biggest Latino franchisee in the country and fourth-largest U.S. Burger King franchisee, Perales, 50, who was born in Mexico, also owns 85 percent of the chain's Dallas market and is in the process of remodeling locations in Florida and Texas."


"Food industry veteran Charles H. “Chuck” James III is now Burger King’s largest African American franchisee. In a deal announced in November, James, who is CEO and managing owner of C.H. James Restaurant Holdings L.L.C., purchased 37 stores in the greater Chicago area."


That Atlanta Burger King may have been owned by an African-American. The managers or assistant managers may have been African-American.

And some skanky liberal white chic torched it.

Of course she may have been ordered to torch the building by a BLM leader after Washington his feet.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Mike Feldhake said...

I don’t believe this data is accurate at all.

Anonymous said...

Typical Black person "Punches 92-Year-Old Woman with Walker in the Head – Knocks Her to the Ground in New York City"

CNN reported that it was a mostly peaceful attack.

Adam said...

I don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

"What the MSM is not telling the American people is that Brooks APPEARS to have had a warrant out for his arrest. Per a search of his criminal record (although not confirmed and therefore may relate to a different Rayshard Brooks) it appears there was a fugitive warrant out for the arrest of Rayshard Brooks in December of 2019."

"Rayshard Brooks was wanted for a probation violation for failure to notify the community supervision of his address change and failure to complete theft prevention class
[That is just cruel and unusual punishment.]

for the original offenses of False Imprisonment, Cruelty to Children, Family Violence,

[Say what? Why was he even arrested? That is just Democrat Family Values]

Battery and Simple Battery."

Anonymous said...

For every police shooting, there are 10 polar bear game victims.

Way to go Black America!

Anonymous said...

They get what they want because they use violence and intimideation AND the left media calls them mostly peaceful. The marches of this class are OK. But if you're white and march against killing the economy you risk corona virus. The media is paid off by China. Your are at war with China. The corona virus comes from China. Fentanyl which kills tens of thousands every year, comes from China. Your jobs go to China. Your money goes to China. And the left media has their back.

Until you get that you will no longer be free. Free by name only. Free to die.

Anonymous said...

What I am seeing here is what I experienced during the Lyndon Johnson administration. That period brought us The Great Society. It wasn't stated at the time but that series of legislative acts was about Americans of African heritage. Americans of other national origins were not mentioned in the rhetoric at the time for the most part.
Americans of African heritage took advantage of the legislation and benefited, if they hadn't already from living in this country, and by their own efforts.
This time was a period of the white apologist and white guilt crowd. It was also the birth period of the Al Sharpton flash and glitter con man. It appears to me that the only things that have changed is the date on the calendar and the players.

Anonymous said...

10:56 is a troll. His English is poor and his chronology is fucked.

Anonymous said...

CHUD alert

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden's speech from 1993 on the Crime Bill is being made into a campaign commercials.

Joe Biden;s praise for the Confederate flag will be as well.

Poor Connecticut CHUD.

Anonymous said...

The poll is not accurate, it is a fake.

Anonymous said...

Even CHUDS now voting for changes...

Anonymous said...

2:50 is spreading lies.

People agree with the BLM sentiment not the actual BLM proposals. Take a poll of those and the numbers are quite different.

But I do not expect non-STEM professor to think critically. They only mau mau.

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