Thursday, June 18, 2020

Underwater Data Cable, Linking The US To Hong Kong Cancelled Because Of Fears Of Chinese Data Theft

A map from December 2017 of undersea data cables

BBC: US-China row moves underwater in cable tangle

An underwater data cable, linking the US to Hong Kong, looks set to be rejected by the US government because of fears of Chinese data theft.

The Pacific Light Cable Network, backed by Google and Facebook, is designed to boost internet speed and capacity.

But a US government committee known as "Team Telecom" has now recommended that the US denies it approval.

The decision is another sign of the growing tension between the US and China, who are in a trade war.

It would reportedly be the first such cable rejected by the US on national security grounds.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Besides data theft, there is also the fear that China will be monitoring communications.


Anonymous said...

Heaven forfend. America would never do such a thing!

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Hong Kong. We will remember the way you were. For those who can flee, do it now

Unknown said...

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