Wednesday, June 3, 2020

U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper Says The U.S. Will Not Invoke The Insurrection Act To Quell Civil Unrest

Reuters: U.S. shouldn't invoke Insurrection Act, defense secretary says

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Wednesday he does not support invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy active duty forces to quell civil unrest, a move President Donald Trump threatened to take to stem protests that have roiled the nation.

Trump this week said he could use military forces in states that fail to crack down on sometimes violent protests over the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis.

“The option to use active duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now,” Esper told a news briefing.

“I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: In the above video U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper is very clear. Circumstances do not exist for the US government to invoke the Insurrection Act. To me that is a big relief. But the media coverage of this announcement is a different narrative. They are saying that he has has broke with the White House on this issue?!?!?! That is not the impression that I got from the above video. The impression that I got is that the issue was examined, and the decision was made (most likely by the President and his military advisers) that current circumstances do not justify the Insurrection Act.

Update: U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper has also pointed out that this widely reported story is 100% wrong .... Esper on Trump church photo-op: I thought we were going to 'talk to the troops' (NBC). According to the above Mark Esper video. Everyone knew they were going to the church.

More News On The Media Saying That The U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper Is "Opposed" To The Insurrection Act

Esper opposes using Insurrection Act for law enforcement -- AP
Defense chief breaks with Trump on response to protests -- CNN
Defense Secretary Breaks With Trump, 'Does Not Support' Invoking Insurrection Act -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

WNU, do ever worry that when these liars and their media lap dogs get the White House that their paws will be on the nuclear trigger?

I do not think they intend to nuke Moscow, but they might paint themselves into a corner with their rhetoric.

Something to argue against that is that these liars can never pain themselves into a corner. They can do a 180 every other day and their worshippers will fall in lie as though their is no contradiction.

James said...

Their paws are multi colored. They've painted themselves into the corner many times and have no compunction to walk right over the wet paint.

B.Poster said...

I will watch the video time permitting this evening. Based upon prior actions by POTUS I would tend to conclude that the editor's take is spot on now with that said I'm not sure I find this a "big relief" that they are not willing to invoke the Insurrection Act at this point but it does not surprise me. Based upon prior actions President Trump is very, very circumspect and generally does not involve himself in state and local affairs preferring to allow the local and state authorities to take the lead and to craft solutions that work for them. With that said time has to be running short before this will be invoked. Certain state and local governments simply have got to get their acts together here and quell this. Innocents are getting killed in far greater numbers than what the protests were supposed to prevent. Also, the peaceful protesters have got to take a more active role in identifying and purging the rioters and looters from the midst. Otherwise when the Insurrection Act is invoked they will be taken down with the rioters as those trying to defend the life and property of innocents will have no choice but to count them among the looters. At this point, I would say when and not if the Insurrection Act will be invoked. I simply don't see the locals or state officials in the affected areas having the competence to handle this. Furthermore I would envision the courts siding with the state and local officials happily doing nothing while cities burn and innocents are being killed and maimed. At this point, the president and his advisors will have no choice. At that point, the military will have to decide do they want to defend America or stand by while looters and rioters destroy once great cities. I pray it does not come to this.

B.Poster said...

"I do not think the intend to nuke Moscow, but they might paint themselves into a corner with their rhetoric." This has been my concern about such people for years. They've already recklessly fanned the flames of Cold War 2 for really no good reason. Also, with their penchant for lying and deceit I don't see how any foreign leader could ever trust them. After all the Bidens sold out America for Hunter's 50K a month job with a corrupt Ukrainian company tied to a corrupt government. How much more treacherously would the Bidens deal with a foreign leader. I don't think they'd wait to find out.

B.Poster said...

Having watched the relevant portion of the video Mr. Esper does not support invoking the Insurrection Act as it should be only used in the most urgent and dire of situations which we are not in now in his opinion. Furthermore having carefully observed President Trump over the last 3+ years he is generally reluctant to get involved in state and local affairs preferring to ldt the locals handle things. Essentially, at this time, this appears to be Esper and Trump speaking with the same voice.

With that said if Trump does conclude it's time for the Insurrection Act and he can't carry it out he needs to resign. Trump was duly elected to make such decisions. Esper was not. I think he's an honorable man. These are two men speaking with one voice. Yet another fake story by the media suggesting he broke with Trump. What a shocker!!

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logveee said...

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