Thursday, June 11, 2020

U.S. Democrat Presidential Candidate Biden Says President Trump Will Be Removed From Office By The Military If He Loses The Election And Refuses To Leave

WNU Editor: The former Vice President sounds very confident that he will win in November. From the AP ....

.... Biden announced the plan a day after saying that his chief worry is that Trump will attempt to “steal” the November election. Biden said he’s even considered the possibility that the Republican incumbent would refuse to leave the White House should he lose.

Biden was asked whether he’s considered what would happen if Trump refused to vacate the presidency in the event he wasn’t reelected. “I have,” Biden said, before suggesting that the military could step in to ensure a peaceful transition of power.

“I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” the former vice president said.

With rhetoric like this, you have to wonder if former Vice-President Biden will accept defeat if he loses the election.

The above video is from a round-table that was held earlier in the day. He is not sharp. He reminds me of my 94 year old mother. Age and time slows down everyone.


Anonymous said...

Remember when Trump was questioned whether he would accept defeat in 2016? Perhaps Biden, Democrats, and clerk, should reconsider this question?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get past the mask hanging off his ear. Black to show solidarity, of course.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the mask is perfect ( along with Pelosi's African dress) for those semi-formal occasions.

Anonymous said...

Remember when hillary lost (again! ) and then didn't concede until the coming day? After accusing Trump he'd not admit defeat. It's so repulsive to see and remember and then see them so it again. Uhh just threw up a little in my mouth. Hope Biden gets defeated and soundly

Anonymous said...

Biden sets up a narrative intended to hurt Trump. It also signals that their internal polls are not so rosy for Biden.

It also sets up a narrative for if the election is disputed like in 2000. The Democrats might ask for a military putsch to oust Trump, if he is behind by 10,000 votes in one state and the case is still before the courts with mail in ballots yet to be counted and many irregularities say in Miami-Dade, St Louis, or Philadelphia, areas controlled by Democrats.

Australia, Russia, Brasil Iceland, Europe should send election observers. If elected Joe Biden will not serve. He will be a front man for cabal that wears velvet gloves, but basically is Antifa/BLM.

The best way to not get elected is have Joe in debates. Joe might fool us. His handlers might dope his blood and when he comes down he will be out of sight for a week recuperating. Athletes dope. why not octogenarian political candidates?

Amp1776 said...

And if Biden loses there will be more impeachments....

Assuming they have control of another branch.