Friday, June 5, 2020

U.S. Military Commander Says China Using The Coronavirus Pandemic As A Cover To Push Its Territorial Claims

Reuters: U.S. military commander says China pushing territorial claims under cover of coronavirus

TOKYO (Reuters) - China is using the coronavirus as a cover to push territorial claims in the South China Sea through a surge in naval activity meant to intimidate other countries that claim the waters, the commander of U.S. Forces in Japan said on Friday.

There has been a surge of activity by China in the South China Sea with navy ships, coast guard vessels and a naval militia of fishing boats in harassing vessels in waters claimed by Beijing, said Lieutenant General Kevin Schneider.

“Through the course of the COVID crisis we saw a surge of maritime activity,” he told Reuters in a phone interview. He said Beijing had also increased its activity in the East China Sea, where it has a territorial dispute with Japan.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. is not the only one making these claims .... Indonesia joins neighbors in protesting Beijing’s claims in South China Sea (Jakarta Post).


Anonymous said...

Xi and his circle are extremely stupid.

Taiwan gives them unobstructed and stealthy access to the deep blue water for their boomers, if they so desired. I see why they want Taiwan.That is just one of the reasons. However that still is a narrow limes.

If China were to ally with The Phillipines, it would increase the length of that limes several fold. It would make it harder maybe extremely hard to bottle them up.

A few island to or from The Phillipines won't make a difference to China's prosperity. Taking the islands FROM The Phillipines will harm China's economic prosperity.

All the Confucius Institutes in the world will not soothe Phillipine anger. China has or had a leg up in the Phillipines as a significant percentage of people there have Chinese ancestry.

But maybe this is not about China, Chinese culture, or anything Chinese. Maybe this is about the bank account of a small subset of Chinese that reside in the CCCP. Maybe this is not about China or its historical grievances, but about riding China like a beast to everlasting political dominion.

Xi is like many politicians. He is completely worthless except at defeating other politicians. He has no skills other than those.

Jac said...

I hope the Pentagon is not just discovering it........