Monday, June 15, 2020

Will The Next Trump Rally Be The US's Next Coronavirus Superspreading Event?

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally at Show Me Center, Monday, Nov. 5, 2018, in Cape Girardeau, MO. Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

Business Insider: Trump's upcoming campaign rally could be the US's next coronavirus superspreading hot spot

* President Trump will hold his first campaign rally in months on June 20 at Tulsa, Oklahoma's BOK Center — an indoor arena that fits more than 19,000 people.
* Before registering, rally participants have been asked to sign a waiver and "assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19" before attending.
* Research suggests large, indoor gatherings, like the upcoming rally, are responsible for most coronavirus transmission.
* While an average person with the coronavirus infects about two other people, an infected person can sometimes pass the virus to far more people during such gatherings: This is called a superspreader event.

President Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail, and his impending indoor rally could exacerbate the spread of the coronavirus.

The president announced that he would be holding his first Make America Great Again rally in four months on June 20 at Tulsa's BOK Center, an indoor sports arena and concert venue that can seat more than 19,000 people.

But according to public health experts, large, indoor gatherings like the upcoming rally are the sites of coronavirus superspreader events, in which a small number of individuals infect a disproportionately large number of other people.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I agree with the health experts that these events could become super-spreader events. But I am willing to bet that at this Trump rally the vast majority will be taking precautions and will be wearing a mask .... Trump economic adviser urges wearing of masks at Tulsa rally (Reuters). But what bugs me about the main stream media is that while they are focused on President Trump .... Trump rally called ‘dangerous move’ in age of coronavirus (AP), they are ignoring or downplaying events like the one below.


B.Poster said...

You may agree with the experts but the experts don't even agree with themselves!! They've never made any of the sacrifices they've expected us to make. While the mask had been coming off for awhile, the mask fully came off when they turned a blind eye to the protests and the mass gatherings that it entailed. Before this they had been breathlessly opppsing mass gatherings. No pun is intended by the mask metaphor.

As for the potential of a super spreading event, there is a risk of a pathogen spreading where people are gathered together in close quarters so a rally in a stadium certainly could pose issues. A large march involving 10s of thousands of people crammed together and multitudes of these matches at that is likely to create an even bigger issues than a Trump rally.

The Trump campaign is at least being responsible by warning people of increased risks and having people sign waivers. The waivers are likely comparable to what someone agrees to when they attend a PGA event. The organizers of the protests and the marches took even greater risks with the health of attendees than the Trump campaign but took no such precautions as the Trump campaign has.

No criticism of BLM, ANTIFA, or the protests with regards to the health risks. The experts never believed their own lines about any of this. There's another agenda at work.

Anonymous said...

Плакат ты хромой бутликер троллинг кусок дерьма. Трамп - гребаный лидер страны, и нет никакого сравнения с массой людей, которые выходят протестовать. Лидер должен показать пример. Его собственный CDC предупреждает о митингах такого рода, и его неудачники теперь хотят, чтобы пункт об ответственности не спас их задницу и снял их с крючка, в то время как лохи заболели, аплодируя своему лидеру с низким IQ