Thursday, June 25, 2020

Will The World Quarantine The U.S. Because Of The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Ryan Cooper, The Week: The world is putting America in quarantine

The United States is in the midst of a full-blown second wave of coronavirus. According to Worldometers, Tuesday had 36,015 new cases — the highest number since May 1, and the third-highest ever. Arizona, Florida, South Carolina, California, and Texas are headed for a dire emergency fast. So far deaths have thankfully not returned to their previous highs, probably in part because the new surge appears to be hitting younger patients. But deaths are also a lagging indicator, and they are highly likely to start increasing soon.

Europe, where most countries have largely contained the virus (after initial screw-ups), is looking at America with slackjawed horror. The European Union is likely to close its borders to American travelers when it restores some international travel on July 1. Canada will most likely keep its U.S. border mostly closed when the current agreement expires on July 21.

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WNU Editor: Countries that closed their borders and imposed restrictions coupled with a lockdown are the first ones who are now crawling out from the pandemic. I know in Canada there is no desire to open the borders to the U.S. and put at risk the progress that has happened in this country to contain the coronavirus. Bottom line. I expect most countries are going to keep their restriction up when it comes to US travellers. But the US is not the only country that is going to be restricted. You can add Central and South America, major portions of Africa, and India/Pakistan to that list


Anonymous said...

Canada will not have to ban Americans from entering Canada. Soon all of us trailer trash Americans will be dead.

“Unnecessarily now we have over 120 million dead from COVID,” - Biden

Joe Biden is well informed and a very smart man, so he ought to know.

Can you believe that more than 1 out of every 3 Americans has died this year! The year is only 1/2 over.

Another 3rd will die by December 31st and by next June we will all be dead.

Black Americans will be hardest hit.

Anonymous said...

“A lot of people, you have unnecessarily, now we have over 120 million dead from COVID” - Biden

Andrew Jackson said...

More panic porn.

Jac said...

Biden is marvelous because he is extremely smart. I am sure he will tell us we shall have 2 billion death at the end of September. Who will vote for him if we are all dead?

Anonymous said...

Jac, that's a big hammer you're swinging dude, and you never miss the nail!

Couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

In the end it would show how US surpassed this pandemic after being the most affected country. Thats how powerful the US. wait and see.