Monday, June 22, 2020

World Leaders Are Hoping That Bided Wins The Presidency In November

Marc Champion and Nick Wadhams, Bloomberg: World Leaders Face Dilemma: Deal With Trump or Hang On for Biden

(Bloomberg) -- America’s allies and rivals face a tough choice as Donald Trump trails in polls ahead of November’s presidential election: Wait to see if he loses to presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden, or cut deals now to avoid negotiating with an emboldened second-term Trump.The president addressed that dilemma himself in a tweet celebrating the release of an American prisoner, Michael White, from Iran earlier this month.

“Don’t wait until after U.S. Election to make the Big deal,” Trump wrote. “I’m going to win. You’ll make a better deal now!”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Xi, Merkel, Trudeau .... it is easy to know who wants President Trump gon, and they are going to do what they can to make sure he is gone. As for the others, they are nervous that even if they get a deal on an issue with President Trump, it will be rescinded by a Biden administration.


Anonymous said...

So Xi and Fred Lapides are on the same side. They both want Trump gone.

Anonymous said...

The non-compliant DJT. The big meany to oh so many who want oh so much their way.
Poland has experienced so much with Hitler, Stalin, and follow ups. That's why I think they are a realistic ally and a staunch one as opposed to the obamma/kerry mindset types.

Anonymous said...

In 2016, Putin didn’t expect Trump to win. Now, he needs him to.

Anonymous said...

John Bolton On Donald Trump, China And Who He's Voting For

Testing said...

thanks for shartech update
tech update
tech update
tech update
ing it ,

Anonymous said...

Lapides or an imitator going at it by posting links to the favored liberal talking point articles.

Really no commentary? Can't remember anything. You are tabula rasa every day when you wake up ready for the next download from the Ministry of Truth?

I remember July 2015. Donald Trump had announced his candidacy the month before. FJT talked about trade imbalance and the Wall. He was immediately ahead of everyone including Jeb with the Jeb's BILLION dollar war chest. DJT started 15 points or better ahead and never looked back.

So those 80,000 dollar Facebook ads in in late 2016 affect the poll numbers in 2015.

Does Putin have a time machine or are some liberals just stupid?

Anonymous said...

Irans regional and global ambitions are definitely hanging in the balance.

Anonymous said...

China wants 4 more years of Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump Just Had One of the Worst Weekends of His Presidency
Trump’s misleading information enables China to sow discord among allies, research finds | Australian politics

Aragon said...

Biden is a fool also

Anonymous said...

And Fred Lapides or someone imitating him keeps lying.

Trump engaged in a trade war. why? Can the US have 500 billion trade deficits year after year and not have its Current Account eventually drained?

So many people against the trade war never explain how they would solve the trade imbalance or when they might get around to doing it.

When a country's current account is drained, a country is fucked. So what were liberals going t do about it? Nothing.

Then corona came. People wanted to sue China and China threatened to not send any drugs at all including aspirin. So now even lowly, scum sucking liberal see the need to not have so much American manufacturing in China. But instead of saying Trump was right they without batting an eye say Trump is good for China even though he wanted to being American manufacturing home.

Liberals are shameless.

Corona and the Chinese threats show Trump was right.

Anonymous said...

You're losing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fred is not losing. He has lost it. He lost it a long, long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Pollster Nate Silver: 'A Biden landslide is possible'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Senators find $14 billion in unspent funds after Trump says he demanded a slowdown in COVID-19 testing

Anonymous said...

Trump’s ability to follow his own advisers’ guidance to win back the lost support has so far been uneven and at times counterproductive, Republican strategists say. Last week’s White House roundtable about senior issues, and another on police reform — “We grieve together, we heal together,” he said — are exactly the sort of efforts Trump’s political advisers want to see.

But days later he was back to threatening protesters before his Saturday rally in Tulsa, where he returned to a set of contradictory divisive themes. He used highly charged racial language — calling protesters “thugs,” a hypothetical criminal “hombre,” and covid-19 the “kung flu.” He said he had told his advisers to “slow testing down,” to reduce the numbers of confirmed positive viral cases, and returned to defending Confederate monuments as part of the country’s “great heritage.”

Such inconsistency has become a constant feature of Trump’s response to the recent crises. Trump promoted an unproven drug and mused about injecting disinfectant just as his campaign prepared an ad campaign defending his record on the coronavirus response. He called for “domination” of street protests and oversaw a forced clearing of a peaceful gathering outside the White House the same week his campaign released a video tribute to the protesters against police misconduct.

Republicans across the country have been struggling with the resulting vertigo, as they try to avoid alienating Trump while at the same time avoiding any mention of the president in their own campaigns, in hopes of polling ahead of him on Election Day.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh could hardly contain his excitement. “We’ve got three polls today showing Donald Trump at 30 percent or higher with black voters,” he told his national radio audience Monday. “We’ve got Emerson, we’ve got Rasmussen and we’ve got Marist!”


Anonymous said...

You're losing

Anonymous said...

TRUMP and no way for Biden