Tuesday, June 9, 2020

World News Briefs -- June 9, 2020 (Evening Edition)

NBC: North Korea says it has severed all communication with South Korea

The decision carried further significance because it was attributed in part to Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

North Korea announced Tuesday it was axing all communications with South Korea, a move analysts believe could be an attempt to manufacture a crisis and force concessions from its neighbor.

The decision carried further significance because it was attributed in part to Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who has risen in prominence in recent weeks.

North Korea said it was suspending contact in anger at activist defectors who have fled to the South and routinely fly balloons back over the border carrying propaganda leaflets.

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Erdogan says will not let Syria's Idlib become conflict zone again.

EU rejects any US attempt to invoke Iran nuclear deal.

Yemen’s rebels crack down as COVID-19 and rumors spread.

Syria hit by rare anti-regime protests sparked by economic crisis.

Rocket hits Baghdad airport in another attack on US forces.

Iran says it has found a CIA informant who helped the US assassinate Qassem Soleimani, and has sentenced him to death.

One in five Iranians may have had virus: health official.

U.S. sanctions imposed against Iranian shipping go into effect.

Palestinian PM submits 'counter-proposal' to Trump's Middle East peace plan.

UAE Mars mission: Hope project a 'real step forward for exploration'.


China’s companies emerge as global donors in virus pandemic.

North Korea cuts all official communication lines with South.

North Korea building up nuclear arsenal, researchers say.

Indian, Chinese armies disengage at multiple points in Ladakh, ending weeks-long standoff - report.

Chinese warplanes enter Taiwan Strait after US flyover.

China convicts Uighurs in sham trials at Xinjiang camps.

China cautions students about 'racist incidents' during coronavirus pandemic if they return to Australia.

Hong Kong can't tolerate more ‘chaos’, says Lam on protest movement anniversary.

New Zealand rejects US-style armed police squads.


Sudan militia leader in custody on Darfur war crimes charges.

Burundi president dies of 'cardiac arrest' at 55.

Libyan TV airs video showing alleged UAE military involvement.

Haftar forces slow unity govt advance on strategic Libya city.

Erdogan says Turkey, US reached agreements on Libya.

Tanzania’s main opposition leader attacked months ahead of election.

Egypt blames Ethiopia for stalling Nile dam talks.

In hardline Equatorial Guinea, confinement starts to chafe.

Nigeria's spike in deaths linked to Covid-19.


Putin and Merkel discuss Syria, Libya, Ukraine in phone call: Kremlin

France announces $16.9 billion in aid for aviation industry.

Anger, activism grow over police abuse amid French lockdown.

US, Russia to begin nuclear arms talks this month.

Trump's 'dangerous' plan to withdraw troops from Germany will play into Putin's hands, warn UK Conservatives.

Spain says masks will be compulsory where social distancing is impossible until a coronavirus cure or vaccine is found.

London mayor says statues of imperialist figures could be removed. Sadiq Khan orders review of all London statues for slavery links.

Russian oil spill leads to charges against plant director.

Prince Andrew 'falsely portraying himself as willing', US prosecutor claims.

Notre-Dame fire: Work starts to remove melted scaffolding.


George Floyd, whose death energized a movement, to be buried.

US employers laid-off 7.7 million workers in April.

Hard-hit NYC begins its Covid-19 comeback as infection rate plummets.

8 in 10 worry mass protests could spread coronavirus: US poll.

Trump: There won't be any defunding of police.

Court orders dismissal of challenges to Trump travel ban.

New bill introduced that would stop a president from using nuclear bombs on a hurricane.

Salvadorean war crimes suspect Montano on trial in Spain.

Judge orders Bolsonaro to resume publishing Brazil Covid-19 data.

Cuba declares COVID-19 ‘under control’.

Exclusive: Oil tankers turn away from Venezuela as more sanctions loom.


French troops killed top al Qaeda leader in Mali, Pentagon confirms.

US questions Iraqi government’s readiness to combat purported Daesh resurgence.

Make no mistake, the Taliban are still in bed with Al-Qaeda.


Wall Street hits the brakes after strong, weekslong rally.

Pandemic drives broadest economic collapse in 150 years: World Bank.

Honda's global operations hit by cyber-attack.

Oil prices stumble as Saudis set end date for new OPEC+ cuts.


Anonymous said...

Mike Esper needs to be fired.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle – Set Up Security Watch – Call for Armed Volunteers

Anonymous said...

How The Antifa Fantasy Spread In Small Towns Across The U.S.

Rumors of roving bands of Antifa have followed small protests all over the United States. Why are people so ready to believe them?
Picture of Anne Helen Petersen

Unknown said...

SEO Dubai
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Unknown said...

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SEO Dubai

Unknown said...

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Aragon said...

Its going to hell people